Of course, we must know that there is a connotation behind all Buddhist rituals. If we only focus on the appearance of the ceremony and ignore the connotation, it is like entering the treasure mountain and returning empty-handed, and we will not get the true benefits of Buddhism.

"Initiation" is a Buddhist ritual. When it comes to "Initiation", we may think of "Tibetan Secret". In fact, it is not exclusive to "Tibetan Secret". In Chinese Buddhism there is also the theory of initiation.

In ancient India, initiation was a ceremony for emperors to ascend the throne, and was later adopted by Buddhism. In the early days, when a disciple started to enter, the master had to sprinkle water or holy spirit on his head, which was called "the holy spirit initiation".

Of course, we must know that there is a connotation behind all Buddhist rituals. If we only focus on the appearance of the ceremony and ignore the connotation, it is like entering a treasure mountain and returning empty-handed, and we will not get the true benefits of Buddhism.

For example, most people go to temples to participate in Buddhist activities, which are just formalities and do not understand the true meaning of Buddhism. This is the so-called "Dharma Ending Period".

Of course, there is also a rich connotation behind the "Initiation" ceremony. "Initiation" means to teach, just like pouring water from one bottle into another bottle; "Initiation" refers to Buddhism, which belongs to all dharma. The highest level of law.

The true meaning of "initiation" is to impart the true teachings of Tathagata to all living beings, so that all living beings can break their confusion and become enlightened, escape suffering and gain happiness.

Just as the "Huayan Sutra" says: Buddha's son, Bodhisattva Mahasattva, receiving the Tathagata's initiation, has no hindrance in eloquence, and can use all words and sounds to reveal the secret of the ultimate destination. Therefore, the fundamental meaning of "initiation" is to spread the Dharma and benefit living beings.

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