"I was worried that being sentimental would harm my holy life, and I was afraid that I would fall in love with you when I entered the mountains. I can live in peace in this world, and I will live up to the Tathagata and live up to you." Before the age of 14, Tsangyang Gyatso's li

"I was worried that being sentimental would harm my holy life, and when I entered the mountains, I was afraid that I would fall in love with the city. I have both peace and harmony in the world. I will live up to the Tathagata and I will live up to you. ." A few numbers express the endless sorrow of the sixth Dalai Lama Tsangyang Gyatso.

Before the age of 14, Tsangyang Gyatso’s life was ordinary, but also free and full of hope. He is the child of an ordinary serf. He follows his ancestors and believes in the Red Religion, which does not prohibit monks from marrying and having children. He has his own lover and a vast world for him to travel.

However, after the age of 14, he became the reincarnation of the "Fifth Dalai Lama" His identity is revealed, and all that awaits him is imposed discipline and intrigue. He was required to believe in a pornographic religion that was not close to women, was forcibly separated from his lover, and was repeatedly imprisoned in life.

He has the name of Dalai Lama, but does not have the power of Dalai Lama. He is a political puppet and is manipulated by others. Such an involuntary life made him gradually depressed. Even, in order to express his disgust, he deliberately rebelled and turned into a romantic lover at night and returned to the world to wander.

But even so, Tsangyang Gyatso's life still plummeted in an uncontrollable direction.

Cangyang Gyatso was confirmed as the reincarnated soul boy

In the 22nd year of Kangxi, that is, in 1683, Cangyang Gyatso was born at the foot of Dawang Nala Mountain in the corner of southern Tibet. He was the child of a pair of ordinary serfs.

His parents are followers of Tibetan Buddhism Nyingma sect Red Sect. Influenced by them, Tsangyang Gyatso never believed that there was any conflict between love and religion.

Not long before Tsangyang Gyatso was born, another sect of Tibetan Buddhism, the Gelug Sect Yellow Sect, lost their important leader, the fifth Dalai Lama who had just passed away at that time.

However, under the complicated situation in Tibet at that time, in order to defeat and the Shuote Ministry and regain national autonomy, the " Diba " of the Yellow Sect, Sangye Gyatso, made up his mind to conceal the death of the fifth Dalai Lama and in order to regain Huang Jiaochuan made more complete preparations.

Sangjie Gyatso is also a deeply trusted disciple of the fifth Dalai Lama, and has a relatively large status and voice within the Yellow Sect. After he deliberately concealed the death of the fifth Dalai Lama and took over the power to handle Buddhist affairs on the pretext that "the Dalai Lama is practicing for an unlimited time and has no visitors", no matter whether it is the monks, the people or the Kangxi Emperor No one suspected anything unusual.

But the secret will always be exposed one day, and Sangjie Gyatso was also worried about this. Therefore, while hiding it from the monks, the people, and Emperor Kangxi, he quickly sent envoys to search for the reincarnated soul boy at the foot of Nala Mountain in Menyu, southern Tibet. So that the sixth Dalai Lama can be welcomed into the palace immediately after the incident.

Sangjie Gyatso set the location to search for the reincarnated soul boy at the foot of the Nala Mountain in the southern corner of Tibet. This has two main purposes. First, it is remote and stable, and it is easier to keep secrets. This is the premise for their actions. After all, if others knew that the messenger was looking for a reincarnated soul boy, then the news of the death of the fifth Dalai Lama would not be concealed.

Second, most people there believe in the Red Sect. If a Yellow Sect leader can be born there, it will be very helpful to the expansion of the Yellow Sect's power.

Under such circumstances, Tsangyang Gyatso, who was just born at the foot of Nala Mountain in southern Tibet, attracted the attention of the envoy, and because he caught the relics of the fifth Dalai Lama that the envoy had mixed in among the grabbing weeks items , was confirmed as the reincarnation of the fifth Dalai Lama.

Tsangyang Gyatso was taken into the Potala Palace

After the envoy confirmed that Tsangyang Gyatso was the reincarnated soul boy, he did not tell his parents about the incident out of the need to conceal the news that the fifth Dalai Lama had passed away.

In this way, Sangye Gyatso continued to handle affairs in the Potala Palace in the name of the fifth Dalai Lama, while Tsangyang Gyatso missed the initial enlightenment of the Yellow Sect, and instead continued to believe in it under the influence of his parents. The Red Sect has more liberal and relaxed religious rules.

The Yellow Sect’s canons require monks not to be sexually attracted to women and not get married and start a family, but the Red Sect’s canons do not impose restrictions on this aspect.Therefore, born in a Red Sect family, Tsangyang Gyatso was implanted with the traditional concept of marrying a wife and having children from an early age. When he was young, he was used to the close interaction between his parents and the elders around him. When he grew up, he also had inner thoughts. Yearning for love.

If Tsangyang Gyatso could always maintain his identity as a Red Sect member, then such concepts and habits would never bring him any pain. However, when the Dongchuang incident happened and he was also urgently admitted to the Potala Palace, These made him an outlier among the Yellow Sect members.

At that time, Tsangyang Gyatso was only 14 years old and was in the most publicized period of his youth.

Cangyang Gyatso's "Rebellion"

When Cangyang Gyatso was 14 years old, Emperor Kangxi learned the inside story of the fifth Dalai Lama's death 15 years ago on the way to pacify Junggar, and wrote a letter to severely accuse Sangye Gyatso. measures. In order to make up for it, Sangye Gyatso wrote a letter admitting his mistake, and at the same time immediately sent an envoy to welcome the reincarnated soul boy Cangyang Gyatso into the palace.

In this way, Tsangyang Gyatso was inexplicably informed of the identity of the "reincarnated soul boy", and was pushed through the process of shaving his hair, receiving novice ordination, and participating in the enthronement ceremony like a puppet. This process became recognized by the court. The sixth Dalai Lama.

After arriving at the Potala Palace, all the Yellow Sect's strict rules and red tapes posed great challenges to the unruly Tsangyang Gyatso, making it difficult for him to adapt. And the old scripture master also followed him step by step, supervising and imploring him to study scriptures and practice Taoism every day.

Cangyang Gyatso is nostalgic for the colorful customs of the people, the vast world before, and his beloved lover who was in love but could not be seen. However, these are not allowed by the Yellow Sect's canons. Therefore, he was suppressed and was Imprisoned, he gradually lost the things and people he once owned. What's even more frightening is that he can't gain anything new in the Potala Palace.

Although nominally, he is the sixth Dalai Lama recognized by the court, in reality, the power to handle affairs continues to be retained in the hands of Sangye Gyatso. He became a forcibly set up puppet, watching the struggle between the major forces with cold eyes.

Reluctance, anger, and yearning for freedom and love prompted Tsangyang Gyatso to break out in silence. While he wrote many lingering "love songs", he "wandered" on the streets of Lhasa, indulged in singing, dancing and banquets, and even stayed overnight in a women's home outside the palace.

Just like the poem he wrote, "Living in the Potala Palace, he is the biggest king in the snowy land, wandering on the streets of Lhasa, he becomes the most beautiful lover in the world."

Cangyang Gyatso set aside a space for indulgence for himself, allowing his body and mind to temporarily escape the shackles of the Yellow Sect. However, these indulgences later became an excuse for criticism by those who were interested.

In 1705, the Yellow Sect's "Diba" Sangjie Gyatso was defeated by the Heshuote leader Lazang Khan . The sixth Dalai Lama Tsangyang Gyatso, who had no real power, was also accused by Lazang Khan of "indulging in wine and sex, ignoring religious affairs, not a real person." "Dalai", he wrote to the Qing government asking for his demotion.

Finally, it is said that Tsangyang Gyatso died on the spot on the shore of Qinghai Lake while being escorted to Beijing. He was only 23 years old.


The title of "Reincarnated Soul Boy" and the conspiracy of political struggle turned Tsangyang Gyatso from a free believer of the Red Sect into a dignified puppet under the constraints of the Yellow Sect. This was the unfortunate beginning of his life.

transformed into a romantic lover at night, which was his rebellion and resistance to reality and destiny. However, these actions could not reverse the direction of his destiny. In the end, he still fell under the machinations.