When a person is full of negative energy, it is really a big bomb. If we don’t have the energy field of Buddha and Bodhisattva, then don’t even think about changing a person who is full of negative energy. In front of people with negative energy, it is wrong for you to be positiv

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can save the world and enlighten the lost; in today's terms, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have high energy levels and strong magnetic fields. They can increase other people's energy values, change other people's magnetic fields, and thus change other people's destiny.

Moreover, we ordinary people do not have such powerful energy or magnetic field!

When a person is full of negative energy, it is really a big bomb. If we don’t have the energy field of Buddha and Bodhisattva, then don’t even think about changing a person who is full of negative energy.

People with a lot of negative energy are selfish, and they will not care about your feelings at all! The most intuitive manifestation of people with negative energy is that they only care about their own feelings, constantly pouring out their bad emotions, and do not care about the feelings of those around them at all. In front of people with negative energy, it is wrong for you to be positive at all. They will always find various reasons to attack you, and even attack you personally!

People with a lot of negative energy are like a black hole that will swallow up everything around them. Like a trash can, it will not only be filled with garbage, but also turn the surrounding area into a garbage dump! He will infect people, making them have the same frequency and magnetic field as him!

People with a lot of negative energy don’t like others! Even if you are not good yourself, you cannot allow others to be good. Once they see others living a better life than themselves, they will do everything possible to destroy and slander them, and will not be satisfied until they have destroyed others. People with negative energy are narrow-minded and cannot tolerate different voices, let alone appreciate the excellence of others. They only have thoughts of harming others and not benefiting themselves.

Therefore, we must be vigilant. First of all, we should not be a person full of negative energy. Be a person full of positive energy. People are happy and sad every day, why not let yourself be happy? Secondly, stay away from people full of negative energy and don't let your own magnetic field be affected.

If you encounter a garbage man on the street, stay away quickly and don't think about being serious with him!

In life, if you encounter someone who loves to complain, stay away quickly, otherwise you will become a complainer too!

When you encounter someone who sighs at work, quickly remind yourself not to share the same channel with them!

Again, if you don’t have the energy of a Bodhisattva, don’t even think about getting close to a person full of negative energy!