I was invited to participate in a Buddhist event under the bodhi tree, which gave me, a person with little connection with Buddhism, the opportunity to get closer to a mysterious place. The main hall of the temple under construction adopts the architectural style of brick and woo

Under the Bodhi Tree

was invited to participate in a Buddhist event, which gave me, a person with little connection with Buddhism, the opportunity to get closer to a mysterious place.

The main hall of the temple under construction adopts the architectural style of brick and wood structure imitating the Liao Dynasty. All beams and columns are made of high-quality wood, and each pillar is clearly marked with words such as "Eastern Ten Front" and "Western Nine Empress". . It seems that each pillar has its own place, just like Guanyin and Tathagata Buddha cannot be worshiped randomly.

The surroundings of the main hall were filled with candle smoke. Devoted men and women came from all directions, either wearing monk's robes or plain clothes, all with solemn faces. What is recited loudly in the mouth is the unchanging "Amitabha". There are various incense candles of different sizes in the tall incense burner, exuding fragrance and filled with soot. Scented candles range in size from 3 yuan to 66 yuan each. It is said that the largest one can burn continuously for 17 hours.

In such an atmosphere, everyone's eyes look confused. These monks or laymen lowered their eyebrows and bowed their heads, clasped their hands together, and recited the same sutra, but they had their own thoughts. Some pray for peace, some pray for wealth, some pray for peace and wealth, and all kinds of clear wishes in prayer that are vague in reality are all entrusted to the compassionate Buddha in our hearts, hoping to bring good luck and good luck to all living beings. Find the true meaning under the bodhi tree soon.

As an outsider, I looked up at the three tall Buddha statues with solemn expressions in the main hall, wondering whether these gold-plated and silver-plated deities could really hear their piety.

A few flies were flying around on the offerings, enjoying the exquisite offerings. I don’t know if Buddha has eyes in the sky, whether he can see it, or whether he can eat it. On the mound next to it, two children were kneeling on the ground and playing with the sand. The bottle is filled, poured out, filled again, poured out again. In their opinion, this is much more interesting than kneeling down to worship the gods.

What's interesting is that because I don't believe in Buddhism, I may have offended some god unintentionally, and I encountered something quite "mysterious". A long-lost friend asked for the phone number, but was speechless for a moment. He blushed and thought for a long time, but he could only come up with the last word 999. The other party was afraid that he was keeping it secret. He considers himself to be a kind-hearted person with no bad deeds, and he is considered a good person, so why do he suffer this "retribution"? When I think about it, I actually used to forget things a lot, and I am not the only one who has experienced such embarrassment about "forgetting", so I feel relieved. Although I don’t understand the teachings of Buddhism, being magnanimous, selfless, sincere and kind should be the teachings respected by all “dharma”.

I specially skipped the feast at noon to experience the feeling of "vegetarian meal". There are rows of long tables neatly arranged in the lobby, and there are two chairs under each table, which means that such a long table can be used by two people. Sit facing one side to avoid eating from the opposite side. From this point of view, even if we disregard Buddhist teachings, it is still polite among strangers in public places. There are two bowls and chopsticks in front of each person, one bowl of rice porridge, another bowl with some vegetarian dishes, and steamed buns placed on top of the dishes. A layman brought some side dishes and asked if he wanted them. I said I would bring an empty bowl. She shook her head: it can only be placed in bowls for vegetables and steamed buns. As he said this, he put a little of each item in, but it still fit. I was curious: Why can only two bowls be used? She looked calm: Isn’t a person’s meal just one meal and one dish? Two bowls are enough. Very simple words, but a very simple truth.

There are two realms inside and outside Buddhism.

Be yourself, the Buddha is in your heart.

  on 2007.10.3