Miaole Temple is a natural temple on the west bank of the Qingjiang River. Its regulations are solemn, elegant, rigorous and regular. The water flowing from the south of the Yangtze River flows to Beigang, and the clouds in the southern sky rise from the northern sky. The Dharma

Miaole Zen Temple is a natural temple on the west bank of Qingjiang River. Its regulations are solemn, elegant, rigorous and regular. The water flows from the south of the Yangtze River to the north port, and the clouds in the south sky rise from the north sky. It comes true Lushan Iron Buddha Temple , reflecting each other from afar.

The law has no boundaries, the power is limitless, it attracts pilgrims, and the Buddha has a sincere heart. The first temple in the South, the three doors of liberation . Peach blossoms are red in the Peach Blossom Spring, and lotuses are blooming in the release pond.. But I can hear the sound of bells and drums in the temple.


Miaole Temple: is located in Miaole Village on the west bank of Qingjiang River, Xiaochi Town, Huangmei County, Hubei Province, echoing the Lushan Tiefo Temple. The temple building layout is reasonable, rigorous and regular, solemn and elegant, and magnificent. It is known as the first temple in southern China. It fulfills the artistic conception of "the water flowing from the south of the Yangtze River flows to the north of the Yangtze River, and the clouds in the south sky rise from the north sky". Let people realize that Buddhism has no place and the mystery of Buddhism is boundless.

Miaole Temple was founded in 1995, covering an area of ​​80,000 square meters. It was built by Master Miaole hosted by Lushan Tiefo Temple. It was completed on November 5, 2009 AD .


天成: Word. Tiancheng means in harmony with nature. It also means that it is not artificial, it is natural. "Zhuangzi·Fables": Yan Chengziyou said to Dongguo Ziqi, "Since I heard Ziqi's words, I have been wild in one year, followed in two years...and perfected in seven years." Tang· Han Yu "Shang Xiangyang Yu Xianggong Shu" 》: "Your Excellency has extraordinary talents and strong virtues, which are natural and have no shore."

regulation: It is the government setting <issued> regulations to impose restrictions. As a specific institutional arrangement, regulation is "the government's management or restriction of economic behavior." It is the behavior of the government to intervene in the activities of economic entities (especially enterprises) under the market economic system with the purpose of correcting and improving the inherent problems of the market mechanism. , "under the conditions of the market economy, almost all the government's legal systems are overcoming the phenomenon of broad market failure and law-based actions to intervene, restrict or restrict microeconomic activities." Definition: Specification.

solemn: explanation: serious and respectful. It also refers to the environment and atmosphere, which makes people feel awe-inspiring. Definition: ①Serious and respectful. Refers to people's attitudes, expressions, etc. ② Refers to the atmosphere generated by things, which makes people feel awe-inspiring.

elegant: Chinese vocabulary. It means that articles and words are well-founded, elegant but not vulgar. It also describes a person who is knowledgeable and dignified. Generally refers to ancient classics.

rigorous: Chinese words. Describes an attitude that is rigorous, careful, thorough, and perfect. pursuing perfection.

Regular: Explanation: ①Conform to certain specifications; neat: regular imitation of Song characters. Regular shape. ② Organize and keep the books in order: Organize the books in the bookcase. Regularity is a Chinese word that means uniformity.

Jiangnan: refers to geographical area. As the name suggests, it means south of the Yangtze River. In the concept of human geography, it specifically refers to the south of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

In the pre-Qin period, Jiangnan belonged to the nine states of Han Dynasty and was called "Wuyue" by the Central Plains. Jiangnan is famous for its rich water towns and prosperity.

Jiangbei: generally refers to the area north of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. That is to say, it refers to the north side of the river.

port: Chinese characters. From 氵 (shui, san) from lane. Originally refers to a tributary of a river.氵 (shi, san) refers to rivers, and "lane" refers to small roads. Later it was extended to a river bend where you can park.

Southern sky: explanation: ① The southern sky. ②South, sometimes specifically refers to the Lingnan region.

northern sky: refers to one of the northern constellations. It is located to the south of Canes Vega, to the north of Vega, and between Aries and Leo.

Fulfillment: Definition: is consistent with the facts that happened later: His premonition came true. It means: The facts that happened later are consistent with what was said and estimated in advance.

Tiefo Temple : is located in Lushan , Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. The temple has a history of more than 1,370 years. According to relevant historical records, it was built by monk Zen Master Kunzhong during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty (627-649). In the Song Dynasty (976-979), bhikshuni Nun Yuanlian actively recruited female monks to become monks, expanded the monastery, and named the temple "Tiegugu Temple". In order to encourage monks and nuns to practice hard-heartedly without wavering or being tempted. Because "bone" and "gu" are homophonic, it also means "an iron-hearted practicing nun", so the nuns can cultivate themselves with peace of mind.

Iron Buddha Temple is also known as Iron Buddha Temple . During the 5 years of Wanli html (1573-1691), the monks and nuns in the nunnery cast a 6-foot-tall iron Buddha. From then on, the Iron Bone Nunnery was renamed the "Iron Buddha Temple", which continues to this day.

Remote: Definition: distant viewing, remote thinking, remote control, remote echo. Definition: Looking from a distance, thinking from a distance.

corresponds to each other: Chinese vocabulary. Definition: complement each other.

Unbounded: The setting in the anime " 100,000 Bad Jokes ". is a secondary universe independent of the universe. It is also an unfinished world.

无度: Chinese words. Definition: no limit; no restraint: extravagant spending. Excessive debauchery.

quote: There are roughly two meanings: ① To guide back the chess pieces that have been cut off by the enemy. "Introduction to Go": "To come to the aid of the besieged son from afar and let him take advantage of the opportunity to get out is called 'introducing'." Or it is equivalent to the modern "crossing". ②That is, "retreat".

Pilgrim: Word explanation: Pilgrim: A person who goes to a temple to burn incense. A person who offers incense to the mountains. From "One-Horned Ox" by Anonymous Yuan Dynasty.

Xincheng: Idiom. That is, sincerity leads to spirituality. It means that if you work with concentration and respect, you will be able to gain efficacious results. It is like what is mentioned in "Book of Rites ": integrity, sincerity, and investigation of things to achieve knowledge. As long as you are sincere and sincere, you can have efficacious results. As long as you have a firm belief and a correct mentality, your wishes will come true. This is sincerity and spirituality. So far, those who worship the Buddha in Buddhism use "sincerity and spirituality" to describe the intentions of those who pray to the Buddha and seek fortune-telling. synonyms: God rewards hard work. Sincerity. Gold and stone are open. Nothing is unachievable. God will not let you down if you work hard. Lie on the firewood and taste the courage. burn one's boats. Three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu.

The first temple in the South: namely: Miaole Temple.

The three doors of liberation and the stages of leaving the Dharma Realm: Liberation is the meaning of freedom. The door means that it can be opened. It is said that these are the three doors of liberation. It can lead to Nirvana. Hence the name three doors of liberation .

three doors of liberation, refers to the three methods of obtaining liberation and nirvana. Abbreviated as the three doors of liberation and three escapes, they are the three doors of emptiness, formlessness and wishlessness. 1. The door to liberation of emptiness: Observe that all dharmas have no self-nature and arise from the harmony of causes and conditions. If you can understand it in this way, you will be at ease with all dharmas. 2. Wuxiangmen: is also called Wuxiangmen. It is said that since we know that all dharmas are empty, we can observe that men and women are one and the same and cannot be obtained. If we can understand the non-appearance in this way, we can get rid of the differences and be at ease. three, the door of no wish: is also called the door of no action and the door of no desire. It is said that if you know that all dharmas have no form, then you will have nothing to seek in the three realms; if you have no desire to seek, then you will not choose to do the deeds of life and death; if you have no deeds of life and death, you will be free from the suffering of retribution. The three doors of liberation are entered through the samadhi of emptiness without leakage, no form, and no wish. This samadhi is like a door to enter liberation, so it is called the three doors of liberation.

Peach Blossom Spring: refers to the peach garden in Miao Le Temple.

Life Release Pool : " Great Wisdom Theory " says: Among all the sinful cattle, killing is the heaviest, among all the meritorious cattle, life release is the first. Therefore, the release pond is a facility found in many Buddhist temples. Generally, ponds are artificially excavated. In order to reflect the Buddhist concept of "compassion and consideration for all living beings", believers are allowed to release various aquatic animals such as fish and turtles here. Believers accumulate virtue by letting go of their lives once, which symbolizes the meaning of "gathering auspiciousness and solemn virtues".

prosperous: Definition: ① prosperous; prosperous: heyday. The peach blossoms are in full bloom. ②Strong; vigorous: youthful and energetic. The fire was very strong. ③Grand; grand: grand gathering. feast.

but: Definition: ① only: only. ②But. Literal meaning: ① only, only, just: I hope so, as long as it is . But it is divided into . ②However, but: although the work is hard, there is no complaining. ③ In vain: "Why go far away and hide in the bitter cold land without water and grass in the north of the curtain?"

Wen Ting: Duo Te refers to the emperor. Definition: Still hearing. From Tang Dynasty· Zheng Qi (q!) "Kai Tian Zhuan· Surname Preface": "Stealing the stories of the national dynasty, don't flourish on the occasion of Kaiyuan and Tianbao (bao)."

Bells and Drums: Explanation: ①Also written "Bells and drums." Bells and drums. Ancient ritual instruments. ②It refers to music. ③Refers to the music of powerful people. It means wealth. ④Buddhist instruments.

Ming: Definition: ①<Birds, beasts or insects>Cry: birdsong. Cicadas chirp. Insects chirp. ②To make a sound, to make a sound: tinnitus. Thunder. Ringing bell. Sound the gong to clear the way. ③Express; publish : Acknowledgment. Complaints. Complaints. A hundred schools of thought contend.

swing: Definition: ① shake, swing. ②Walking around with nothing to do; hanging out. ③ Wash. ④ Clear everything; clear: sweep. Go bankrupt. ⑤Broad; flat: vast. ⑥Indulgence, inappropriate behavior: debauchery. dissolute. lewd. ⑦Shallow Lake: Huangtiandang. Reed flowers dangle.

Yasheng: Chinese vocabulary. It means the joy of elegance and integrity.

Note: The picture information is selected from the Internet.