What is the cause of the illusion? It should be thought of but it comes from itself and has no destination. There are solemn images that can only be seen with the mind, that is, color and emptiness. A ray of morning sun shone on the "orchid finger", shining brightly directly at m

——Remember the "Cailan" series of natural pure sun-dried tea Fuding white tea (2009 cake tea)

The author of this article: Yuzhi

What is the reason for the transformation? Just follow the mind and know that it is both form and emptiness.

In the spring of 2017, we visited Taimu Mountain and stayed at Pingxing Temple.

In the early morning, I leaned on the railing in front of the Pond of Rebirth and looked up. In the hall, the Buddha was sitting upright with a solemn image. A ray of morning sun shines on the "orchid finger", shining brightly directly at the original heart. I can't help but wish to have an orchid, so I ask the Zen master for advice:

"The orchid finger of the Buddha, is it related to orchid ?"

"It is the orchid finger of the Buddha's incarnation. Blessing the mudra, protecting all living beings . " The Zen master smiled and answered, "It is said that a wandering monk meditated under the Bodhi tree, drove away snakes and rescued rats, fed snakes with his fingers cut off, and moved the orchid fairy to plant orchids on his fingers to heal his injuries. The Buddha heard about it. Then he transformed him into an orchid pointing to the Buddha, and built the Lanruo Temple to enjoy the incense in the world."

"An orchid refers to the Buddha?" Since I have never heard of it, I have questions.

"The cause is the result. From then on, rats had no natural enemies and caused harm to the world. The world was suffering unspeakably. In anger, the public pushed the Buddha statue to the ground and burned the temple. The orchid refers to the fact that the Buddha was shocked and confused. He prayed to the Buddha for explanation. The Buddha said: All living things are subject to reincarnation. It is certain that all things will wither and prosper according to the four seasons. The orchid refers to the Buddha who suddenly realized his enlightenment and was ashamed to become a Buddha, so he jumped into the sea of ​​fire and transformed into the orchid finger of all Buddhas." The Zen master looked up to the Buddha and put his hands together and said: "Few people in later generations mentioned that the orchid refers to the Buddha, so the donor is unknown."

Buddhists call the temple "Lanruo", and Buddhists call orchids "Zen flowers". Putuo Mountain Zen Master Jieren once made a profound discussion on orchids and Buddhism: "Orchids are Zen flowers, and they are not related to Zen or orchids. Orchids are spiritual creatures that can predict good and bad luck. If the room is turbid, the orchid will wither, and if the house is unlucky, the orchid will wither. Orchid withered. Orchid has the nature of Buddha, no matter high or low, peaceful and peaceful for all."

In Mahayana Buddhism, flowers represent the "six degrees". If you can find a tea that is "called orchid", you can give alms, keep precepts, endure humiliation, and be like orchids. Diligence, meditation, prajna , become the tea of ​​" Six Degrees ".

giving. The orchids are in bloom, with beautiful appearance and pleasant fragrance. The same is true for tea. Once you see it and taste it, you will be satisfied, feel happy physically and mentally, and have a broad giving spirit.

Keep the precepts. Orchids and tea are both punctual plants that do not cling to anything. Although they are fragrant and beautiful, they do not infringe on others. This is also their precepts spirit.

endure humiliation. Orchids germinate and endure darkness, humidity, and loneliness before they can sprout and bloom. Tea is not only that, but also needs to be broken, sun-dried and even fired before it can be finished. This is the spirit of patience.

refinement. No matter how long their lives are, orchids and tea always strive to show their most beautiful side to the world. In the end, they also leave seeds and make unremitting efforts to continue life, which embodies the spirit of diligence.

Zen meditation. The orchids bloom quietly, and the tea is kept alone in the solitude, both showing a strong temperament of tolerance, which achieves the spirit of Zen.

prajna. Orchids are ever-changing in shape, color and taste, and tea is ever-changing at any time, place and person. It is so wonderful and shows the spirit of Prajna.

At this point, the desire to "pick orchids" has taken root and sprouted, and I secretly determined to "pick no more than orchids" and must find the "six degrees" of tea...