My thoughts on the future (3) The different aspects

The fifth article of "Diamond Sutra" says: All aspects are vain. If you see all aspects, you will see the Tathagata. From the idealistic point of view, all matter is the manifestation of spirit, and all phenomena arise from emptiness and return to emptiness.

This simple philosophical point of view is also upheld by Taoism. Everything in the world is born from existence, and what is born from nothing. Putting aside the theology of religion, I really like the story and philosophy of religion.

To a large extent, the development of civilization is based on philosophy. After all, how to understand the world and how to get along with the world determines the level of technological development and the level of human development. This is in line with Marx's dialectical materialism.

Wang Xiaobo once said: It is not enough for a person to have this life and this life, he should also have a poetic world. The general secretary also said: I will live up to the people without me.

The poetic world and the selfless state are essentially spiritual. Material and spirit are the two aspects of civilization development, and the law of development is a double spiral that alternately rises and complements each other.

Just as the development of computer hardware enables more complex operating systems to run on it, more functions can be implemented more quickly, which in turn promotes hardware iteration.

The organizational form of the slave society in ancient Greece greatly promoted the development of productive forces at that time. The culture of the East and the West blended here, and then the ancient Greek philosophy evolved, and Western philosophy began its first period of development.

Feudalism needs a set of philosophical tools that adapt to its productivity development and domination,This is scholastic philosophy. The discovery of geography and the development of navigation technology broke the rule of scholastic philosophy, and capitalism appeared on the scene.

The Renaissance is an important symbol of the spiritual realm at this stage. The main function of philosophy at this stage is anti-religion. The objective result is that scientific development can break through the barriers. It can also be said that natural philosophy and humanistic philosophy were nurtured at this stage. science.

The completion of the European Industrial Revolution has greatly promoted the development of productivity, and the rapid development of natural science has greatly promoted the process of human cognition. Classical philosophy has also completed its historical mission, and modern philosophy has emerged at this stage. The scientific norm was born: through observation and empirical evidence, mathematical induction.

Through the perspective of philosophical history, what is happening now, what changes have taken place in the main contradictions, and how will the major changes unseen in the next 100 years evolve?

The people create history, but most people in it often don’t realize this process. This is determined by the history of human development. The method is not much different from that of 1,000 years ago, and this is determined by the level of productivity development.

People like to observe the world with inherent inertial thinking and draw conclusions, but when the productivity level reaches a certain height, the speed of world change far exceeds the recognition and acceptance of most people.

To study world changes, we must first clarify the main contradictions in the world today and their main aspects. What are the main contradictions in the world today?

People in different countries, in different positions and circumstances may give different answers.However, the main contradiction between different countries, regions, and ethnic groups is not necessarily the main contradiction in the world. For example, the main contradiction in Ukraine may be its relations with Russia and the United States, and the main contradiction in Pakistan is the territorial dispute with India. Not the main contradiction of the world.

In modern history, one of the main contradictions in the world can be called the contradiction between the socialist camp and the capitalist camp during the Cold War, and the second is the contradiction between terrorism and civilized society after 9/11.

The former is represented by the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the latter is represented by the beheading and extermination of "ben", which respectively ended the main contradictions of the two periods.

The main contradiction now is the contradiction between hegemonism, ultra-nationalism and a community with a shared future for mankind. The external condition of this main contradiction is the development of globalization, and the main aspect of the contradiction is the United States.

There are not many politicians in the United States who have seen this contradiction change. The slogan of the Trump campaign is "Make America great again", and Biden directly proposed "The United States is back." In contrast, Lampe is a clear-headed politician.

Because the subtext behind Trump’s slogan is "America is no longer great, it needs to adjust its policies, and be great again", while Biden's subtext is "We are absent, continue to come back and do what we did before Work", however, the world has undergone profound changes. The United States does not want to be the second child, but embarrassingly cannot be the boss.

1. The United States is not a rich country, but a hegemonic country built on dogmatism.

measures whether a country is rich,You can't just look at consumption or GDP. The US development model is very similar to some of China's blindly expanding local urban investment companies, relying on the so-called government credit to continuously borrow the new and repay the old, leading to the continuous expansion of debt.

The only difference between the U.S. and the urban investment company is that the urban investment company spends most of the money on infrastructure construction, while the United States spends most of the money on the war. The prerequisite for the urban investment company not to go bankrupt The economy continues to develop, and the prerequisite for the United States’ non-bankruptcy is the continuation of hegemony.

So being rich is not a goal pursued by the United States, but a by-product of the pursuit of hegemony. In fact, from the perspective of its balance sheet, if the United States does not maintain its hegemony, it would have long gone bankrupt.

American culture and system have determined that it plays a "gentleman’s hooligan". It must have both face and benefits. This determines its final policy towards a situation where it will be swollen and fat. Only Americans know suffering.

Second, the objective perception of China and the United States, many comparisons between China and the United States are ridiculous.

There are two extremes in the perception of the United States: one is beauty and the other is anti-American, both of which are manifestations of unconfidence. The number of people holding these two extremes accounts for the largest population in the world. most.

The Chongmeiists tend to belittle themselves and believe that the US is a superpower that cannot be surpassed; the Anti-Americans believe that everything in the United States is evil and rely solely on the exploitation of the people of the world to live, which is the root of all contradictions.

is necessary for the objective analysis of the United States,China's goal is by no means to surpass the United States, because surpassing the United States is inevitable.

What's the point if a child sets his height goal of one meter six in twenty years? If China’s GDP is evaluated in terms of purchasing power, it has already surpassed the United States. Even if it is priced in US dollars, it would be within ten years to surpass the United States, but this has no comparative value.

The two countries have the same land area, and the population of the United States is less than a fraction of China. As long as China's per capita GDP reaches one-fifth of the United States, its total GDP will surpass that of the United States. The comparison of strength between China and the United States is a bit like a match between a 200kg boxing enthusiast and a 40kg professional boxer.

Note that China is no longer the fat man lying in the smokehouse more than 100 years ago. Who can win this game? It's hard to say, because the 40 kg professional player doesn't want to play and can't play at all.

Other comparisons between China and the United States are not very meaningful, such as steel production, power generation, ship tonnage, etc., these "powerful" are not very meaningful, this is like a family of three , Is as ridiculous as a neighbor of four generations and twenty people.

is more meaningful instead of rankings such as Olympic medals. A country’s sports level is not only related to the population, but more importantly, scientific methods, advanced theories, and top-notch equipment. So the Olympic Games Medals are a barometer of national strength. Historically, the Olympic medal ranking basically represents the national strength ranking of that period. We are still close to the United States in the Tokyo Olympics, which is objective.

3. What will happen to a world without a boss?

First of all,This is not a good thing. History has repeatedly proved that without a strong core, chaos and turmoil will occur.

The United States is trapped in the quagmire of political correctness. This trap is far more threatening than the Thucydides trap. The United States has no shortage of counsellors, but political correctness has plunged the United States into the misunderstanding of "two ordinarys": wherever one party agrees, the other party will inevitably oppose it; and any policy to contain China, whether right or wrong, both parties agree.

On the surface, the U.S. policy toward China is more hostile. The logic behind it is that the U.S. has no room for policy changes, and the hostility shows only strategic weakness.

The United States also showed this characteristic on the battlefield. For example, the United States used assassination methods to deal with Iran, but the Afghan Taliban gave the United States a time limit for withdrawal by means of unconquered soldiers.

Whether the United States is willing to be the second child, the current trend is that the boss may not be able to do it. And we never wanted to be the boss like the United States, and no other country has the conditions to be the boss.

For some time to come, the world where the boss is absent will need to face the risk of the spillover of terrorism and be wary of transnational and trans-regional organizations like ISIS to build a unified country in the Middle East and the Far East.

The concept of pan-ethnicity may emerge in the future, the process of integration of the EU and ASEAN may accelerate, and the world may enter a phase of regional and national integration in the future, which will inevitably be partial or regional. However, China and the United States will gradually reach an agreement under the policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and there is little risk of war overflowing. This process is bound to be long and hard, and there will be many events beyond imagination.

Borrow the verses of the Diamond Sutra to summarize this article: All the deeds, such as dream bubbles, such as dew and electricity, should be viewed in the same way.
