The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan.

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1, Namo Sakyamuni Buddha

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world.

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

After Buddha attained enlightenment, he formed his own unique concept of observing and analyzing things. In order to make his thoughts and doctrines understood and accepted by others, he began a 45-year missionary activity. The method is random facilities, eclectic. He used various forms such as verses, prose, stories, parables, direct narratives, questions and answers, etc. to target different objects and preach different contents.

2, Namo Randen Ancient Buddha

Namo Randen Ancient Buddha is also called Dingguang Tathagata , and he is also a very prestigious Buddha.

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also called the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya . Lingshan he ranks first.

3, Namo Pharmacist Glazed Light King Buddha

Pharmacist Glazed Light King Buddha is also called Pharmacist Glazed Light King Buddha , Pharmacist Glazed Light King Tathagata , etc. This kind of Buddha specializes in medicine,

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

Pharmacist Glazed Light Tathagata is the leader of the Oriental Jing Liuli world. In his past life as a Bodhisattva, this Buddha made twelve great vows, wishing to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings and enable him to attain liberation with all his faculties. Therefore, he became a Buddha in accordance with these vows.

4, Namo Tantan Merit Buddha

Tantan Merit Buddha is mainly located in the northwest of Buddha .

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

This kind of Buddha can help monks eliminate past evil obstacles.

5, Namo Vajra Indestructible Buddha

Vajra Indestructible Buddha is above the Buddha. His body exudes golden light. His hands can form seals.

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

It is also known as Namo Vajragarbha Tathagata. The merit of chanting the name of the Buddha can eliminate past lives. Among them, the sinful karma of ten thousand kalpas

6, Namo Vairocchi Buddha

Vairocana Buddha is the Dharmakaya Buddha of Sakyamuni in Buddhism, and has a special status.

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

Vairocana Buddha is the first of the seven Buddhas in the past. Respecting the Buddha, also translated as Piboshi Buddha , only defends the Buddha, so it has a relatively high status in Buddhism.

7, Namo Jeweled Banner King Buddha

Jeweled Banner King Buddha, the Buddha in the east of the first of the thirteen courtyards in the womb treasure realm (the highest Buddha Great Sun Tathagata manifested by the universe) as mentioned in Buddhist esoteric teachings.

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

8, Namo Maitreya Buddha

Maitreya Buddha is also called Maitreya Buddha,

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

Maitreya is a surname of the ancient Indian Brahmin, which means love. He followed the Buddha to become a monk and was Sakyamuni The successor will ask questions in the whirling world in the future and eventually become the next important Buddha.

9, Namo Amitabha

Amitabha is also known as the Infinite Buddha, the Infinite Light Buddha, etc.

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

He established the Western Pure Land world a long time ago, specifically to benefit all living beings and promote Buddhism.

10, Namo Precious Light Buddha

Namo Precious Light Buddha is located to the east of the Buddha, that is, in front of him. He is wearing red. His hands can be used to form seals, and his hands can be used to form samadhi. Reciting the Buddha's name can effectively eliminate sins. Paying homage to this Buddha can Eliminate the obstacles of twenty-five thousand great kalpas.

The first one ranked is Namo Sakyamuni Buddha, who is also the first Buddha in the Buddhist world. Lantern Buddha is a past Buddha who is one of the three Buddhas. He is also known as the present Buddha Sakyamuni and the future Buddha Maitreya. He ranks first in Lingshan. - DayDayNews

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