If you want to take ideal wedding photos when traveling, you must be prepared for everything! Today, Dr. Kaka Travel Photography - Xiaoka summarizes a travel photography guide based on the most common problems that new people encounter when traveling! Help everyone make preparati

If you want to take ideal wedding photos when traveling, you must be fully prepared!

Today, Kaka’s travel photography doctor, Xiaoka, summarizes a travel photography guide based on the most common problems that new people encounter when traveling! Help everyone to prepare for the early stage of travel photography!

1. Determine the photo time, process and venue

Wedding photos The shooting time and process should be determined 3-4 months before the wedding, because wedding photos, editing and post-production The manufacturing process takes approximately two months.

At the same time, the shooting scene must be determined before traveling. Couples can make corresponding strategies on their own: which places are more suitable for taking wedding photos, etc. Alternatively, newlyweds can also consult the merchants to choose the most suitable scenic spots for shooting according to their own needs.

2. Preparation of items

Groom: black leather shoes and black and white socks

Bride: strapless underwear, corset and flat shoes (for outdoor shooting)

Decorations: bouquets, stuffed teddy bears, etc.

Standing medicines : Cold medicine, motion sickness medicine , Band-Aids and other simple medical items

Food: biscuits, bread, chocolate and water (try to choose small and easy to carry)

3. Pay attention to the following behaviors before shooting:

Reduce the night before shooting Drink water to avoid puffy eyes .

Avoid basking in the sun before shooting and reduce the consumption of irritating fried foods.

On the day of the photo shoot, the newlyweds should not apply makeup at home to avoid causing trouble to the stylist.