——Let existence be seen (10) Lahu women carrying home-produced mountain products were photographed at the China-Myanmar border in Lancang County. Converted from film to digital. These women were walking on the way to Shanjiezi and could already smell the southern section of the s

2024/07/0219:19:33 beauty 1777

——Let existence be seen (10)

——Let existence be seen (10) Lahu women carrying home-produced mountain products were photographed at the China-Myanmar border in Lancang County. Converted from film to digital. These women were walking on the way to Shanjiezi and could already smell the southern section of the s - DayDayNews

Lahu women carrying home-grown mountain products were photographed at the border between China and Myanmar in Lancang County. Film converted to digital

These women were walking on the road to Shanjiezi, and they could already smell it. The popcorn-like taste of Nanduan Street.

They had already gotten up and set out in the middle of the night, walking along the rugged mountain roads. The earth, which had rained several times, was filled with a moist smell. A crescent moon hollowed out their address, and all that could be seen was the darkness of time.

Trading on the street is a feast for the people in the border areas.

On weekdays, their lives are limited to the silent valley.

Every day, after the smoke smelling of straw has drifted away, men and women begin to walk out of the village to the valley or tea fields on the opposite mountain.

——Let existence be seen (10) Lahu women carrying home-produced mountain products were photographed at the China-Myanmar border in Lancang County. Converted from film to digital. These women were walking on the way to Shanjiezi and could already smell the southern section of the s - DayDayNews

Hani women selling vegetables on Shanjiezi. Photographed in Nanduan Village, Lancang County. Film converted to digital

Except for Jiezitian, Nanduan is a very quiet village. Simple, concise and slow.

The long room exudes the fragrance of wood. Heartbreakingly blue sky. Green trees. Post offices, cars, Internet cafes, glass, billboards... nothing exists.

If it is too concise, it means decline. I like things that are declining.

——Let existence be seen (10) Lahu women carrying home-produced mountain products were photographed at the China-Myanmar border in Lancang County. Converted from film to digital. These women were walking on the way to Shanjiezi and could already smell the southern section of the s - DayDayNews

Hani women on Shanjiezi. Photographed in Nanduan Village, Lancang County. Film converted to digital

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