"A Cool Summer" Text: Dongdong, Photography: Zhang Yi The slight cool breeze of midsummer comes slowly, the refreshing coolness takes away my hidden tiredness. In the silence of midsummer, you can listen to the singing of mountains and flowing water in the distance. The empty clo

"A Cool Summer"

Text: Dongdong, Photography: Zhang Yi

The slight cool breeze in midsummer

Comes slowly

The refreshing coolness

Takes away my hidden tiredness

The silence of midsummer

You listen to the singing of mountains and flowing water

The empty clouds and water ballads in the distance

Faint whistling coming

The leaves swaying in the wind

Dark rustling

In the endless silence of summer

There is still a dream

The call from the distant place

The vague and clear voice Melodious

Can you understand my cry

Only the whisper of leaves lingers for a long time

The thoughts of midsummer

The desolation that invades the heart is disturbed

Call away my anxiety

Gentle caressing the bustling chaos

The flowing spring water falls

Knock on my heart

The crystal clear water splash

blooms into a golden sparkle

The cool midsummer

Please don’t wake me up from my dream

I want to

curl up in the milky white moon

Can the coolness of midsummer

let me Hidden in the dream

I have my thoughts and prayers

Bring me your return letter

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