"A Different Kind of Red" Photography by Gao Cannon The cycle of the four seasons is another time when lotuses bloom. In the Old Summer Palace, almost everywhere there is water, there are lotuses blooming. Many people cannot help but wonder when admiring flowers. Is the lotus a l

"Special Red" Photography High Cannon

Four Seasons Reincarnation

It's the time when lotus blooms again

In the Old Summer Palace

Wherever there is water

Lotus flowers are almost in bloom

Many people cannot help but have such questions when admiring flowers

Lotus Is it a lotus?

Because some books call lotus

and some call it lotus

In fact,

lotus is also called lotus

"Lotus and Dragonfly" Photography by Chen Wei

We often mix the two, for example, we call the flower "lotus"; but Its "root" is called "lotus root"; when talking about its fruit, it is called "lotus seed", but the name is different on different occasions.

"Two Flowers Bloom" Photography by Li Guang

Lotus is a native species in China and one of the earliest ingredients for our ancestors. The ancients have long been familiar with it. China's earliest dictionary "erya" gives proper names to each part of the lotus: the petiole is "jiā", the blade is "xiá", and the lotus whip is "蔤(mì)" , the bud is "菡菏 (hàn dàn)", the fruit is "lotus", the root is "lotus root", the lotus seed is "菂 (dì)", the lotus core is "coix (yì)".

"Qin" Photography by Li Xiaomi Ocean

The two famous ancient names of lotus are "Fu" and "Furong", both of which are very appropriate. "Fu" originally means "support", which means to stand upright and describes its posture. "蕖" originally means "qu", which means wide, referring to the lotus leaf; "Rong" originally means "Rong", which refers to its flower shape like a bowl-shaped container.

"Carefree Alone" Photography by Jin Feng

During the heyday of the Old Summer Palace, lotuses were planted in scenic spots such as "Lianxi Le Place" and "Quyuan Fenghe". The emperors of the Qing Dynasty even left many lotus appreciation poems or poems here. story.

"Bingdilian" Photographed by Haqi

During the Yongzheng period, there is a record: "Every good season, the kings and ministers will be given banquets, boating Fuhai, admiring flowers and fishing, and the whole day is gone. Therefore, at that time, there was a lot of time between the court and the officials. , as happy as a father and son, there is no unreachable feeling." It can be seen that at that time, watching and chanting lotuses was not only a great pleasure in the royal summer life, but also a way to communicate with ministers.

"Love" Photography once took place in Nanyang

During the Qianlong period, there were more activities to appreciate lotus. This had a lot to do with his personal appreciation of lotus. Whether the lotus was growing well or not, and whether the lotus bloomed sooner or later, he would personally Pay attention and observe carefully. Sometimes you have to change the soil in order to plant lotus well.

"Bingdi Lotus Pond Ferry Boat" Photographed by Jiao Xiaoquan

When the lotus first bloomed, he chanted about the unearthly character of the lotus that "is not stained with the purple and vermilion of the world". When autumn came, he still did not forget to appreciate the seasonal changes that the lotus gave him. :

"The Scenery of the Royal Garden in Autumn"


The Taiwan Pavilion contains the coolness of autumn, and the clothes are cool at dawn.

random lotus red with purple, sparse willow green and yellow.

The grass is hidden in the language of the crickets, and the waves in the pool are printed with flying geese.

There is infinite joy in leaning on the railing, and the fragrance of thousands of hectares of rice.

"Waiting" Photography by Zhang Weiwei

Lotus blossoms peek out from the dense green patches

Slim and graceful, calm and shy

It makes people feel loved

If there happens to be a breeze, it can also be mixed with some elegant fragrance

to bring the heat. The instant relief of irritability

must be the most leisurely blessing this summer!


Wang Xiaoyan