When we see the masterpieces of city photography, we only admire the beauty of the city, but forget the pain of the photographers behind them. We never know that in order to take a picture of the city, they would climb the stairs alone and meet other people. They will be obstruct

When we see the masterpieces of city photography, we only sigh at the beauty of the city, but forget the pain of the photographers behind them. We never know that they would climb the stairs alone and meet each other in order to take a picture of the city. They may be obstructed by street officers, blackmailed by some property owners, and even more outrageous, they may even be treated like being put in a police car.

This is a city photographer climbing the stairs to the top floor alone. The wait may take several hours.

The birth of a work is by no means just a second of pressing the shutter. They go back and forth for a scene, and it may be a squat. For a long time, there was no sound of dancing music in the square or the noise of roadside stalls. They just waited quietly for the moment to press the shutter, but they still did not get the understanding they deserved.

Little Shanghai Pedestrian Street

As an amateur photographer, I don’t have a press card recognized by the government, nor an invitation from Party A’s father. I just use my own way to record the familiar city with photos out of personal interest and love for the city. Each work carries the changes of each era and is historical evidence of urban changes. Although the photographers are all different amateur photographers, they have the same expectation to present good works.

Lupu Bridge

In this Internet age, good urban photography can be circulated continuously, allowing more people to know different cities, and it is also a kind of publicity for the country. As Chinese people, we are willing to take pictures of our own cities. We have the ability. Shouldn’t it be the country’s pride to take good pictures of our city? I really didn’t expect that this group of photographers who worked silently would act like guerrillas during the shooting process, carrying heavy equipment and hiding here and there. If they were not careful, they would be fined.

Every city needs good works to speak for it. Photographers are the witnesses of the city. They use their works to frame the changes in the city. We should give more space and more tolerance to these urban photographers. Traveling through the city streets records, leaving different memories for our growth.