There are many beautiful scenic spots in Dali, each with its own characteristics and beauty in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The Erhai Lake in Dali has the most elements in wedding photography. Many couples who come to Dali to take wedding photos will choose the romantic Erh

Dali There are many beautiful scenic spots, each with its own characteristics and beauty in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Dali Wedding Photography The Erhai Lake in Dali has the most shooting elements. Many couples who come to Dali to take wedding photos will choose the romantic Erhai Lake as the background to record sweet and happy moments. So what are the popular destinations for wedding photos in Erhai Lake in Dali? Come with the editor to hear what Mr. Lees, the director of Dali Internet celebrity wedding photography [Cloris Travel Photography], has to say.

1, Erhai Lake Trees

Along Huanhai West Road, you can see waterside trees. They are also a major feature of Dali. One large area grows on the ground and the other grows in the water, as horizontal as a mirror. The Erhai Lake reflects the blue sky and white clouds of Dali, with gray rocks piled up on the shore. The trees growing by the water spread out along the depths of the sea. It is very photogenic to take wedding photos here, with a panoramic view of the beautiful Erhai Lake.

2, Erhai Highway

Dali Wedding Photography Erhai S-shaped sea-ring highway has become a popular check-in destination in recent years. Beside the highway is a neat white B&B building. The corner check-in point is surrounded by the sea on three sides. As far as the eye can see - sea, clouds and sky. This is an excellent location for Erhai Lake wedding photos. Couples who like the fresh and artistic style can arrange superior. Listening to the sound of the waves on the Erhai Lake and walking on the seaside road is like a literary travel movie.

3, covered bridge

"You look at the scenery on the bridge, and I look at you under the bridge." This is the Dali Covered Bridge, a characteristic arch bridge located on the edge of Erhai Lake. The covered bridge is actually not a bridge, but a canal with many bridge holes, extending from the seaside road to Erhai Lake. Taking wedding photos on the bridge corridor is like walking into the center of Erhai Lake, with the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains filling the screen. You can also see different scenery under the bridge. Wedding photography can also take beautiful and dreamy photos from the bridge hole.

4, Waise Pier

Waise Pier is connected to Erhai Lake. Whenever the sun sets, countless Jesus lights shine down. When taking wedding photos, it feels like standing on the sea level, presenting a spectacular view of the sea and sky. However, everyone should be aware that when the water level rises, the road will be submerged in shallow water. Standing on the road is like standing in the Erhai Lake. Pay attention to safety when taking wedding photos.

Dali Travel took Erhai wedding photos, and there are many niche shooting elements, such as iron boats, which are a major feature. Wedding photos taken on a luxury cruise ship are certainly luxurious, but wedding photos taken on a tin boat parked on the shore are more artistic and romantic. Everyone can refer to the long tables, swings and other shooting elements on the Erhai Lake to experience the beautiful and tranquil Erhai Lake scenery up close and experience poetry and distant romance.

Thanks to Mr. Lees for sharing. It is reported that [Cloris Travel Photography] is a luxury high-end brand with a variety of styles that can meet almost all shooting needs. Overall, the price/performance ratio is very high. The photography team composed of photographers with 5-8 years of experience can customize shooting plans for newcomers. If you are satisfied with the shooting, you will pay the final payment. After the shooting, you can freely choose the photos online at home. According to those who have shot at his home Newcomers report that there are no hidden costs in the entire process. Friends who are planning to go to Dali to take wedding photos can feel free to choose.