A model for a camera brand promotion event. The main form of lighting for this photography event is outdoor natural light. In outdoor photography, a large aperture is generally used to blur the background and obtain better shooting effects.

A camera brand (discontinued and renamed) promotion model (sixth series)

Filming time: August 31, 2014. Shooting location: No. 300, Luban Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai. The main form of lighting for this photography event is outdoor natural light. In outdoor photography, a large aperture is generally used to blur the background and obtain better shooting effects.

Portrait photography is a form of photography in which people are the main subjects. Describe the specific appearance and expression of the subject. The shooting forms are divided into bust, bust and full body. To take a good portrait photography work, you need to achieve a good state of many factors, such as creativity, expression, posture, composition, lighting, exposure, post-processing, etc. These factors are part of an overall picture. lighting methods are divided into butterfly light, Rembrandt light , wide light, thin light, silhouette light, narrow light, contour light and so on. According to the direction of the light source, light can be divided into forward light, side light, backlight , top light , etc. The composition method is divided into close-up, close-up, half-length and full-body. According to a senior photographer, the focal length of the lens with the smallest distortion is 85mm to 135mm (135 frame). Photographers need to maintain smooth communication with models, encourage and praise models, in order to get better shooting results.