Photographic Literature Essay: Visiting new rural areas is not about feeling happiness, but a spiritually rich perspective on the source of happiness for new farmers. The happiness of the soul is self-sufficient. In fact, the souls of new farmers are rich enough, and they will no

Photography and literary essays: Visiting new rural areas is not about feeling happiness, but a spiritually rich perspective the source of happiness for new farmers . The happiness of the soul is self-sufficient. In fact, the souls of new farmers are rich enough, and they will not be too lonely in the rural environment, and they will always be happy when they stay. Everyone can have this source in life, but it is a pity that some people never take care of their own souls and allow them to become desolate, drying up an important source of happiness in life. This is the true experience of organizing the article on agriculture, rural areas and farmers. (Wang Yanqing)

Jining photography literature writing lesson plan: three keys to literary writing. As far as photography literature writing is concerned, it is better to say that it is a key than a practical experience in writing. The purpose of organizing the lesson plan: the acceptance of text writing. Don't be a perfectionist. Accept imperfection with a smile, which ensures the natural flavor of life in the article. Once you learn to accept it, you will find that the article seems to copy many colors of life. Changes in writing, to say the least, should remain unchanged in response to changes, do not stick to the status quo, learn to change, and show a new self. Don't ask others why, ask yourself why. Stay away from writing, eliminate unnecessary things, discard redundant information, and get rid of the obsession mentality. Whether it’s being a person or writing articles.

Lesson Plan Purpose: The brain is often obsessed with past successes, past experiences, and past sorrows and pains. There are always some things that we can do nothing about, but there is nothing we can do about them. But letting go is not a relief. Photography, literary creation, and life writing are just a matter of life. There is really no need to make yourself too tired. If you can't accept it, then change it; if you can't change it, then leave it. You will find a suddenly enlightened mood. It can be said that word writing is not easy for anyone. Learn to understand, be tolerant of everything, and think from others’ perspective. Don't use your precious time to second-guess others, but accept everything calmly and calmly. (Wang Linian)