According to Yahoo reports, Japanese software developer HeartCore announced the successful development of the VR camera "truRes-12K" that supports 12K real-time 360° view.

According to Yahoo reports, Japanese software developer HeartCore announced the successful development of the VR camera "truRes-12K" that supports 12K real-time 360° view.

With the active adoption of AR and VR technologies and the popularity of the metaverse concept, the current panoramic VR camera market is full of products. However, most of them are 4K models and the quality of panoramic virtual imaging is limited. Although 8K VR cameras, as an upgraded version of 4K products, will soon It has appeared on the market, but it still lacks several key features to create the best AR and VR experience, and the motion sickness caused by users during the experience is also a problem that cannot be ignored.

In order to solve this problem, HeartCore developed the company's first 12K VR camera, which integrates cameras, chipsets, splicing processing technology and compression technology to give users a higher-quality VR/AR image experience. The company plans to target medical, Manufacturing, aerospace, e-commerce and travel industries promote this 12K VR camera. Sumitaka Kanno, CEO of

HeartCore said: "The name of the 'truRes-12K' camera comes from the combination of the words 'true' and 'resolution' and will provide users with ultra-high-definition images. , to achieve a realistic and immersive VR experience, as consumers are hungry for high-quality panoramic VR cameras, we decided to develop the most advanced VR panoramic camera, based on our patented image and compression technology, we created ' truRes-12K', although this product has not yet been launched, we are confident that it will impress customers and be well received by the market. Looking to the future, we plan to develop products that are more advanced than 12K technology. "

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