Presumably many newlyweds will be very "painful" during the preparation for marriage. They have to be busy with work and carefully prepare every aspect. At this time, boys and girls should prepare together! In order to solve the big mistakes in taking wedding photos, the editor h

I believe that many newlyweds will be very "painful" during the preparation for marriage. They have to be busy with work and carefully prepare every aspect. At this time, boys and girls should prepare together! In order to solve the big mistakes in taking wedding photos, the editor has compiled four major problems to improve the photo production rate. To get rid of the embarrassing situation of only a few photos out of hundreds of wedding photos, prepare the following four questions. It is not a problem to achieve a photo production rate of 85%!

1. Action reserve

First, determine the 4/5 styles of wedding photos you want to take. Then search for shooting poses on online platforms, such as a certain book, a certain music, etc., and collect and practice them.

Each style is suitable for different shooting postures. Indoor light and shadow wedding photography shooting postures require two people to be closer together, with more intense emotional expression, and to be more intimate and gentle physically. The retro literary style requires a very elegant temperament, and you cannot throw your head back and laugh, or make particularly big movements. The documentary style, on the other hand, requires a more casual presentation of action.

Because the shooting day is quite hard and tiring. If the photographer needs to guide the posture throughout the whole process, it may take a lot of time, and the shooting experience for newcomers will not be very strong. And the movements being guided always have a little "change" and seem a bit rigid. Therefore, in the early stage of shooting, you must make some suitable action designs based on your own personal characteristics. After all, there are many "72" wedding photo shooting positions, "56" simple poses, etc. on the Internet. Not every action is suitable for you. If you prepare a posture guide in advance, you will get into shooting mode faster, the shooting efficiency will be higher, and the film production rate will be very high!

Another important point is that many merchants take more photos and send them more! Therefore, it couldn’t be better to spend the same price and the same time to shoot more effective negatives!

2. Natural Smile

Posture and expression are two important factors necessary for shooting. After talking about the posture problem above, let’s talk in detail about the “expression management” that troubles newcomers more than posture.

"Can't smile", "The smile is not good-looking", "Can't smile widely", "I'm embarrassed to smile", "The smile is very stiff", etc. are the most common situations in wedding photos. If the movements are not done well, the photographer can still teach him personally. Even if the photographer has strong guidance skills and can capture photos, if the expressions are not done well, the photographer is powerless. How can

achieve efficient "expression management"?

1. Develop confidence. Many newcomers are afraid of original cameras, so they always show lack of confidence and uncooperation when shooting. Only by showing yourself confidently can you take natural and effective wedding photos. Every newcomer has his own personal characteristics, and self-confidence is a very useful tool to become beautiful.

2. Smile exercises. Under normal circumstances, newcomers do not practice smiling in daily life, and their facial muscles are not very obedient. If they use the wrong force when smiling, they will gain dozens of pounds! Therefore, you need to practice deliberately and practice in advance so that the facial muscles can form muscle memory. You can search online for instructional videos on how to improve your posture and expression management. You can use cotton swabs or chopsticks to practice smiling by biting them with your teeth after work. Be sure to stick to it! According to your personal face shape and facial features, you should not only practice how to smile well, but also practice how to laugh and how to grin. This is not only useful on the day of travel wedding photos, but also on the wedding day!

3. Clothing matching

Before taking wedding photos, there is a try-on session. Whether it is to see others look good in a certain style or you prefer a certain style, after trying on the upper body, you must judge according to your own characteristics and the shooting environment. For reference, the suitability of clothing and environment is high.

suggestions: 1. Don’t choose colorful yarns that are too fancy or too bright.

2. Don’t completely follow the yarn selector’s choice. When choosing a yarn, you should briefly browse the wedding dress styles in all the constituencies, make a preliminary selection first, and communicate with the yarn selector in a timely manner about the style you want.Don’t be embarrassed if it takes a lot of time to choose a yarn. If you don’t like the one you choose, it will also affect your satisfaction with the shooting effect, so you should put forward your demands at the beginning.

4. [Scene Selection]

Different packages have different shooting environments. The same environment has different effects in different seasons. The shooting scenes and shooting props provided are also different, so you need to communicate with the merchants and think about it yourself. Are there any scenes being shot, and will the shooting elements appear during the shooting schedule?

Possible problems:

1. I want to shoot the scene of seagulls interacting, but there are only seagulls in certain seasons. If you don’t know it in advance and only know it on the day of shooting, it will greatly affect your shooting mood and satisfaction with the shooting results.

2. I wanted to shoot scene A, but on the day of shooting, the business owner said that another scene would be better, so I changed the shooting route. When I arrived at the location, I was "extremely disappointed."

Choosing a good shooting city will also increase your photo production rate~ One of the meanings of travel photography is to make your wedding photos more advanced and unique. Many new friends choose Sanya as their travel photography city, which is a good choice! However, there are many wedding photo vendors in Sanya. Choosing a bad one will make you regretful. You need to look for a travel photography studio with considerate service throughout the process, high-quality after-sales service, and good quality costumes, scenes, props, and makeup, such as Photography Vision Travel Photography. The reputation of Photography Vision Travel Photography in Sanya is among the best. Because there are no hidden costs, the quality of the film is high, and the service quality is good, it has gained a large number of loyal customers. The referral rate is as high as 80%. It is a very cost-effective wedding travel photography service. room.

Regardless of whether you have selected a shooting business or location, you need to prepare for the above four parts~