Aperture, shutter, ISO, the three exposure elements of picture photography are all known to everyone. Using different shutter speeds, we can shoot pictures with different effects. In some special situations, how to quickly decide the shutter speed? What shutter speed to choose va

Aperture, shutter, ISO, we all know the three exposure elements of picture photography. Using different shutter speeds, we can shoot pictures with different effects.

In some special circumstances, how to quickly determine the shutter speed? What shutter speed to choose varies from person to person, and there is no certain rule. However, professional photographers have summed up some experience. The following shutter speeds can be remembered when encountering Just use it directly in similar scenarios.

Flying Birds 1/2000 seconds

Birds flying in the sky are very fast. Generally, a shutter speed of 1/2000 seconds is used to ensure that the birds are clear, but we can also use a slightly lower shutter speed, such as 1/400 Seconds, this can blur the bird's wings and better show the dynamics of the bird's flight.

Sports competition 1/500 ~ 1/1000 seconds

When shooting sports competitions, we need to use a shutter speed between 1/500-1/1000 to freeze the athletes moving at high speed, and at the same time, in order to capture the athletes outside the stadium For close-ups, we usually need to use a tripod or monopod and use a high-speed shutter to shoot.

Street photography 1/250 ~ 1/500 seconds

When doing humanistic street sweeping photography, pedestrians and vehicles are often photographed, and these subjects are unpredictable. We cannot judge what their actions will be in the next second. No, so the shutter speed needs to be adjusted according to the on-site conditions. Generally, a shutter speed between 1/250-1/500 is more appropriate.

Follow the focus to shoot a car 1/15~1/60 seconds

To shoot the following car where the main body is clear and the background is brushed and blurred, we can use a slower one such as 1/15-1/60 Shutter speed.

Waterfall 1/8 ~ 2 seconds

If we want to shoot the effect of running water atomization like the one below, we need to use a slower shutter speed. If the light is relatively strong, we also need to use the light filter to shoot. The slower the shutter speed, the more obvious the blur effect will be.

Lakes and rivers 0.5 seconds

For slower-moving water, such as oceans, lakes and rivers, you need to use a shutter speed of 1 second or even slower, so that you can create a silky and dreamy effect on the sea surface.

Fireworks 2 to 8 seconds

Photographing fireworks is a technical job. A faster shutter speed will produce an annoying light spot; while a slower shutter speed will cause the fireworks to become blurred or even overexposed.

Galaxy 15~25 seconds

If you want to shoot the starry sky, you must pay attention to the choice of shutter. If the shutter speed is too slow, the stars will not be obvious. If the shutter speed is too slow, for example, more than 30 seconds, stars will appear. track effect. Under normal circumstances, the shutter speed for shooting stars should be between 15 seconds and 25 seconds.

Star Trail More than 15 minutes

When shooting star trails, we usually set the shutter speed to 15 minutes or more. However, you can also take more than 100 photos continuously, with a shutter speed of 30 seconds for each photo, and then combine them in post-production to create a more complete star trail picture.

(The work is for learning and communication only, the copyright belongs to the author)

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