Photography tools continue to improve, and the photos taken with mobile phones are almost comparable to those taken with a SLR. Also because of the continuous advancement of tools, when people go out to travel or attend exhibitions, they would rather choose a mobile phone with be

photography tools continue to improve, and the photos taken with mobile phones are almost comparable to those of SLRs. Also because of the continuous advancement of tools, when people go out to travel or attend exhibitions, they would rather choose a mobile phone with better camera functions than a SLR camera. One is that a DSLR is really much heavier than a mobile phone! Furthermore, the camera functions of mobile phones are becoming more and more powerful.

If you want to take good photos with your mobile phone, you still need some skills and ways of thinking. Here are a few things that need special attention.

1. Think clearly about what you want to shoot

The focus of photography has always been "what you want to shoot", not what [tool] to use

Don't pick up your phone, click on the screen to focus and shoot! Observe the pictures in your mobile phone lens. Is it better to shoot such scenery or characters farther away or closer? The focal length of the mobile phone is fixed and needs to be adjusted based on the actual distance. After all, mobile phones are only digital zooms, and zooming in or out will cause changes in photo quality.

So try to move your steps, find a composition you like, and press the shutter!

2. Photo clarity

Sometimes you will take blurry photos. The shutter of the mobile phone is too slow, resulting in the inability to capture quickly, the photosensitive element (ISO) is too high, resulting in too much noise in the picture, or the focus is not at all. These are all What causes photos to become blurry.

Lower the ISO and use your fingers to set the focus point. If you move too quickly, give up. The shutter speed of mobile phones cannot be compared with that of SLR cameras. If you really want to take pictures, you can choose a professional SLR camera.

3. App tool

Try to use different apps to edit your photos. Most of us don’t need “professional” photos. Instead, they have characteristics and creativity, and the photos will be more eye-catching (for posting to friends). So don’t worry, feel free to shoot! Just take photos of daily life things from different angles and add some filters to make the photos more interesting.

Mobile photography has entered mainstream photography, and mobile photography courses are gradually appearing in people's sight. I think it is better to learn how to use the mobile phone when shooting with a DSLR. Use your free time to practice diligently. If you are really interested in becoming a professional photographer in the future or use it as a side job, it will not be too late to consider buying a professional SLR by then.

Next, if you want to know more about academic qualifications, vocational skills and other practical information, please pay attention to Watermelon Tree~