When you buy a new SLR camera and go out to take photos, you will always get good photos, but have you ever found that whenever you take photos indoors, the image quality is always unsatisfactory? Of course, it is definitely not a problem with the quality of the camera. , the fol

When you buy a new SLR camera and go out to take photos, you will always get good photos, but have you ever found that whenever you take photos indoors, the image quality is always unsatisfactory? Of course, it is definitely not the camera quality. Question, here is how the editor compiled for you how to compose indoor photos. I hope it can help you.

1. Is the ISO value set too high?

The best thing about increasing the ISO value is that it allows us to take photos that we couldn't take before without turning on the flash, and we can also set the shutter speed faster. We can thank camera engineers for developing such increasingly new technology. However, a disadvantage of increasing ISO is that it will lead to a loss of details and an increase in noise. Therefore, if you want to get a picture with rich details, you should use the lowest sensitivity value that the camera can set.

2. The shutter speed is not fast enough:

We know that the longer the shutter is open, the more light enters the camera, and the more likely it is to cause shake and blur. Shake blur is not only produced when you shoot fast-moving objects, the shake when you hold the camera will inevitably be reflected on the sensor. So either use a tripod to shoot, or increase the ISO value to increase the shutter speed. The anti-shake function of the lens will play a certain role, but you should understand that their effect is always limited.

3. Insufficient light:

This point is for those who still rely on automatic mode. They have not felt the powerful controllability of full manual mode and the joy it brings. In automatic mode, if your camera detects insufficient light, it will simultaneously slow down the shutter speed and increase the sensitivity, which will cause the above two points. In some cases, the camera's built-in flash will pop up - a light that almost all photographers hate.

hopes it will be of some help to everyone.