Portrait photography is a very important subject. If you do it well, you can get into a wealthy family, but if you do it poorly, you will ruin everything. Here is the editor’s guide on how to use light photography to compose cinematic portraits. I hope it can help you. When shoot

Portrait photography is a very big knowledge. If you do it well, you can get into a wealthy family, but if you do it poorly, you will ruin everything. The following is the editor's guide on how to use light photography to compose a cinematic portrait. I hope it can help you.

Shoot under strong direct light, just adjust the exposure based on the characters. When shooting, be careful not to overexpose the wedding dress and the church. At this time, the sky is very dark, giving it a nostalgic retro feel. The lower color temperature makes the skin color of the characters naturally appear golden and warm. If you use a wide aperture to shoot, you need to pay attention to the camera's sensitivity and shutter speed limits. The advantages of

smooth light are good color reproduction, high saturation, and clear imaging; the picture texture is strong at low sensitivity, closer to its prototype; the environment is rich in details, especially the details of clouds, people and scenery are evenly illuminated, and exposure is easier grasp. The disadvantage of smooth lighting is the lack of spatial expression, the picture is relatively flat, and the light quality is hard. If there are flaws in the human skin, it will be clearly visible, and more skills are needed in post-retouching.

Scattered light is a soft, uniform illumination state caused by the sun's rays being blocked by clouds or fog. Scattered light will appear when thin clouds cover the sun, cloudy days, rainy days, snowy days, before sunrise, after sunset, etc. At this time, the scenery will easily appear dull and the color will be darker. Under scattered light conditions, it is not suitable to shoot large scenes with panoramic depth, and color processing is very important. The shooting distance is directly proportional to the saturation of the color, so try to choose bright elements for the foreground to improve the contrast of the picture and avoid the shadow of the scene. Tone down. Compared with shooting with front light or backlight on a sunny day, the softer brightness under scattered light is more suitable for expressing fresh artistic conception.

hopes it will be of some help to everyone.