On the afternoon of June 28, Lanhe Town held the 2022 "Drunken Beauty of Lalanhe" Photography Submission Awards and the Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition of Award-winning Works at the Xian Wisdom, the power of olive kernel.

On the afternoon of June 28, Lamarin Town held the 2022 "Drunk Beauty Lamarin" Photography Subscription Awards and the Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition of Award-winning Works at the Xian The wisdom of the core, the power of the olive core.

A total of 612 photographs (groups) were received in this event, the largest number in history. Photography experts carefully selected 70 award-winning works, including 1 first prize, 3 second prizes, 6 third prizes, and 60 excellence prizes (group). In addition to the winning works, 10 works were specially invited for the event, with a total of 80 exquisite works on display.

The opening ceremony attracted many photography enthusiasts from Nansha District Photographers Association, Dongyong Town, Dagang Town and other brother town photography associations, and Lanhe Town Xinghai Hometown Photography Association to participate. During the on-site exchange, everyone carefully read the photographic images, felt the development and changes of the olive core in recent years, and appreciated the natural features of the water town.

The organizer of the event expressed the hope that everyone can create more and better photography works in the future, and will continue to support the literary and artistic undertakings of Laminaria. Together, we will be witnesses, participants and witnesses of development, and inject a steady stream of resources into the development of Nansha . Constant new energy.

This event is guided by the Nansha District Culture and Sports Development Center and the District Photographers Association, and hosted by the Lanhe Town Social Affairs Comprehensive Service Center (Cultural and Sports Center Group) and the Lanhe Town Xinghai Hometown Photography Association.

Exhibition guide

1, exhibition theme
2022 "Drunk Beauty Olive Core" photography exhibition

2, time
From now on - August 31

3, location
Xian Xinghai Cultural and Art Creation Center, Meimei Village, Lanhe Town

4, exhibition instructions

No reservation is required to visit the exhibition. Visitors are asked to wear masks throughout the entire process, take the initiative to show their health code and itinerary code, and cooperate with the staff in taking temperature measurements.

Warm reminder:
If you can’t visit the exhibition offline, don’t regret it.

Starting from tomorrow,

Lanhe will release its public account and will successively exhibit excellent works online at

, so stay tuned!

[Reporter Nie Peiwen]

[Editor Chen Yu]

Picture Li Langqing

Source Lanhe Town Cultural and Sports Center

Source: Micro Community ejiatong Lanhe released (WeChat ID: nanshalanhe)