Dopamine is a chemical that helps cells transmit impulses. It is said that it can stimulate our imagination and creativity. Although we can’t figure out how it works and how it causes our brain cells to be active, Xiao Jiang knows , appreciating creative works is "natural dopamin

Dopamine is a chemical substance that helps cells transmit impulses. It is said that it can stimulate our imagination and creativity. Although, we cannot figure out how it works and how it causes our brain cells to be active, but, small Jiang knows that appreciating creative works is "natural dopamine" and can also stimulate our imagination.

We can see many creative products and patterns. Most of these works are inspired by nature. Through a series of associations, they are then made into complete works by artists and designers.

This graphic designer who named his online name "Modify Eyes" is a creative artist. He comes from Canada. In addition to his design work, he is also a photographer. All the works he designs are from Photos taken by myself.

The reason why this designer became interested in photography is that when he was in college, he was attracted by a girl who was good at photography. In order to spend more time with her, he did this A designer also spent money to buy a camera and started taking pictures with the girl. Although they did not end up together, this experience made him interested in photography.

is engaged in photography. In the first few years, this designer tried many themes, such as portraits, landscapes, light painting, macro, etc. However, these themes did not make him feel happy. An accident The experience allowed him to see the surreal works of Swedish photography master Eric Johnson, which seemed to open the valve of inspiration for him. This photographer named Eric Johnson, Xiao Jiang also had a few years ago. I have introduced it to everyone many times, and it makes people sigh that excellent people can indeed inspire each other.

These processed photos are no longer a plain and static image. They can transcend the picture itself and allow the designer's imagination to become reality with the help of cameras and picture editing software.

The designer said: "I like surrealism because it has infinite possibilities. Every image and every work is a new adventure and adjustment. With the help of these patterns, you can also convey your own thoughts. go out".

Each of us also likes these creative and surreal photography works. When appreciating them, it seems to stimulate a large amount of dopamine, open up our thinking, and bring us new inspiration. Next, let us take a look at these processed and surreal photos. Some pictures need to be viewed twice before you can understand what they are.

. Pour out a sky.

, break free seagull

, depicting the scenery

, Kong Ming Lantern

, snowy plain

, building blocks world

, drifting bottle

, sailing boat

, positioning

0, lifting a cloud

1. Flying balloons

2. Balloon snowfield

3. Underground work

4 , flying island

5, harvesting wheat field

6, surfing

7, pouring glass

8, breaking the shell

19. Insecticide

0. Prickly pear ice cream