The lotus leaves in the lotus photo above are too close to the lotus. They are close together, which makes people feel crowded and the lighting is not good. When we choose the scene for shooting the lotus, we must pay attention to selecting those lotus leaves and lotus flowers. ,

Without further ado, just read the reviews. Welcome to leave your opinions in the comment area.

Comment 1:

In photography, photography skills not only include parameter adjustment during shooting, but also include scene selection before shooting. The lotus photo below was made because I made some mistakes before taking it.

The lotus leaves in the lotus photo above are too close to the lotus. They are close together, which makes people feel crowded and the lighting is not good. When we choose the scene for shooting the lotus, we must pay attention to selecting those lotus leaves. Photography of lotus flowers with a certain distance. In this way, the photos will not look too crowded, and the space will be better. Make people who look at the photos feel comfortable. The picture above is wrong and the picture below is correct.

Comment 2:

In addition, when shooting, you must pay attention to adjusting the angle . In the photo below, there are some problems with the angle, you can see it.

In the lotus photo above, the main lotus overlaps with the background lotus, which causes the main lotus to look very messy. When we are shooting, just need to adjust some shooting angles and turn some shooting directions, and it will be fine. This mistake can be completely avoided. Like the photo below, , the lotus flowers in the foreground and the lotus leaves in the background do not overlap greatly, and the look and feel will be much more comfortable.

Comment 3:

The photo below could have looked better. Do you know what to do?

In the lotus photo above, the lotus leaves in the background are too clear. This will cause the photo to look messy. In a lotus photo, only the lotus is clear, and the rest are blurry. , so that the contrast between primary and secondary is obvious, and the photo will look better. At this time, you need to use a large aperture lens. If you use a mobile phone to shoot, you must use the portrait mode. Use the portrait mode of the mobile phone. requires the lotus to be on the shore and close enough to be able to take the photo.

Comment 4:

The flaws in the photo below are very hidden. Can you see them?

In the lotus photo above, the lotus is very beautiful. There are many lotus leaves around it, which are already ruined, but in the background, there are relatively complete lotus leaves, so that the accompanying lotus leaves, The whole thing looks messy. And if you want to take photos of broken lotus leaves and complete lotus flowers, it is better to look like the picture below. The surrounding lotus leaves are broken enough, so that the background will be relatively more unified and the contrast effect will be better. good.

Comment 5:

The photography techniques used in some photos are worth learning. The following two photos both use the same technique.

The pictures above and below both use occlusion, that is, when shooting, the lotus leaf blocks the lens appropriately, so that when focusing on the lotus in the distance, the lotus leaf in the foreground can block the lens, and the shooting is relatively Disappeared. If there is a virtual foreground in the photo, which contrasts with the solid subject in the distance, the photo will look better.

Comment 6:

The picture below is a common mistake that many novice friends make in the early stages of creation. I wonder if you have made it.

Don’t make it difficult for yourself to take pictures. Like the photo above, the lotus has been squeezed out of shape, and the petals of the lotus are already damaged. In this way, even if you use advanced photography skills, it will be difficult to take a picture of it. It's very beautiful, and there are some overexposed parts in the bright areas of the picture. makes the details very bad. When we shoot, we must choose the picture below, which is relatively complete and the petals are also very beautiful. Beautiful lotus flowers, as the subject, to shoot. Don't make it difficult for yourself when shooting. The subject is beautiful and the photos are easier to be beautiful. You need to know how to find shortcuts in photography.

Comments on the above 6 sets of lotus photos. While pointing out the errors, correction methods have also been given, and corresponding shooting techniques have also been introduced. Please forward them to your friends who like to take photos of lotus.

Thank you for your likes and collections. Photography self-study class, you are welcome to pay attention.