Recently, a video on Douyin went viral. A classmate named Cai Caizi used a drone to take aerial photos of Blade Mountain in Wuxi, Chongqing. It only lasted 14 seconds, but it has been viewed hundreds of millions and received more than 1.7 million likes. , there were 87,000 commen

Recently, a video on Douyin went viral. A classmate named Cai Caizi used a drone to take aerial photos of Blade Mountain in Wuxi, Chongqing. It only lasted 14 seconds, but it has already been viewed hundreds of millions of times, with more than 170 likes. Thousands, 87,000 comments, and 120,000 reposts. What exactly is Blade Mountain and why is it so popular? As you can see in the

video, three "pieces" of peaks are side by side, one tall and two short. Yes, you read that right, there are three pieces, not what we usually call three, because they are really like kitchen knives, with the blade pointing upward, across the mountains and mountains, and they look as thin as paper and cliffs. It is also covered with lush green plants, which is so beautiful.

You may have a hard time imagining that there is such a terrain in the world. It is completely like the hand of God holding a big kitchen knife and making two random cuts here, cutting out a thin mountain of blades and a deep middle Deep trenches, perhaps hundreds of meters deep.

What is even more unimaginable is that such thin "stone flakes" look like they can be blown over by a gust of wind. How do they stand here, and may they even have survived for hundreds of millions of years?

What shocked netizens the most was that there was a tall iron tower standing on the highest "blade" in the middle. Several transmission lines were cut diagonally across the three "blade", and the electricity How do workers do it?

This video is indeed extremely shocking, which is why it has captured the hearts of so many netizens.

Although the actual Blade Mountain is rare, it is not extremely rare. It is found in many places in our country, such as Haokou Township in Wulong and Dafang County in Guizhou. There is even a temple built on Blade Mountain; even in There are also other blade mountains near Wuxi . The uncanny craftsmanship of nature is really shocking to people.

So how are these blade mountains formed?

It turns out that hundreds of millions of years ago, most of the landmass where China is today was still floating in the ocean and was divided into two plates in opposite directions. The South China Plate was in the northern hemisphere, and the North China Plate was in the southern hemisphere, facing each other across the ocean.

About 200 million years ago, in the late Triassic period, dinosaurs appeared. After hundreds of millions of years of drifting, the two plates finally came together affectionately and were connected to Pangea, forming the Sichuan Basin , the rocks at the intersection were squeezed and uplifted, and the orogeny began with passion.

In the Jurassic more than 100 million years ago, the Pacific Plate subducted westward, causing fold deformation to expand from northeast to south-west.

In the Cretaceous period of the Cenozoic Era more than 60 million years ago, when the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite, the Indian Plate also escaped from the ice and snow of Antarctica and rushed madly towards the Eurasian Plate. The unprovoked intervention of a third party The "hormone" that causes the Tibetan Plateau passionate uplift is so strong that the long-range effect further squeezes the edges of the two plates of South China and North China, forming intricate mountains and folds.

The Blade Mountain in Wuxi, Chongqing gradually formed from scratch during this process. Weathering and erosion continuously peeled off the surface shale, and the limestone was slowly dissolved into a blade-shaped ridge, eventually forming this amazing blade. Mountain.