Recently, the Propaganda Department of the Dongyuan County Party Committee and the Heyuan Daily jointly organized the "Meet the Beautiful Dongyuan·Into Our Well-off Life" photography and style gathering event, and organized more than 30 photography enthusiasts and Internet celebr


Dongyuan County Party Committee Propaganda Department and Heyuan Daily jointly organized

"Meet Drunken Beauty Dongyuan ·Into Our Well-off Life"

Photography Collection Activity

organized more than 30 photography enthusiasts and Internet celebrity travel bloggers

Go to Wanlu Lake, Wanlv Valley and other places

and use your lens to record the beautiful Dongyuan

Drunken Beauty Dongyuan

Dongyuan is the second largest county in Guangdong Province. With beautiful mountains and clear waters and outstanding people, it is not only an old revolutionary area, but also a settlement place for the Hakka people. It has rich red cultural resources, Hakka cultural resources, She cultural resources, and high-quality ecological resources.

Zuimei Dongyuan

The organizer said that the "Meet Zuimei Dongyuan·Into Our Well-off Life" photography and style collection activity aims to further promote and publicize the high quality of Dongyuan to the residents of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and this city. Ecological resources, red cultural resources, etc. attract more merchants and tourists from all directions to "visit" Dongyuan.

Meet the intoxicating beauty Dongyuan·Into our well-off life

It is understood that "Meet the intoxicating beauty Dongyuan·Into our well-off life" photography collection activity, is soliciting submissions from the majority of movie lovers. The organizer of the event will select 50 excellent works. Each excellent work will be rewarded and the author will be awarded a certificate of honor. Some outstanding works will be published on the Heyuan Daily all-media platform.

Submission time

From now until July 30

Submission email

Reporter: Huang Zanfu Yang Jian

Editor: Lin Zikai Proofreading: Li Xuenan