The surroundings seemed to be extremely quiet at this moment. The female nurse next to her leaned down and hugged the young soldier without hesitation. She held back her tears and gently kissed his forehead and corners of his mouth. In this tenderness that had nothing to do with

"Sister, can you hug me? I have never been in love..."

On July 24, 1986, the battlefield on the Sino-Vietnamese border was filled with smoke and thunderous gunfire. Zhao Weijun said this request with a weak breath.

The surroundings seemed to be extremely quiet at this moment. The female nurse next to her leaned down and hugged the young soldier without hesitation. She held back her tears and gently kissed his forehead and corners of his mouth. In this tenderness that had nothing to do with love, Here, Zhao Weijun closed his eyes forever.

After the war, Wang Hong, the former photography officer of 47 Group Army , recreated this scene and gave the photo a bloody and romantic name - "Kiss of Death".

This photo caused a sensation across the country as soon as it was published. The tragedy of the war and the glory of humanity were extremely clear at this moment. Many people couldn't help but contact the newspaper to ask: Is this nurse still alive?

Fortunately, even though more than 30 years have passed, this female nurse has been found. Everyone can't help but care, what kind of life is she living now?

Do you still remember the dead soldier? What happened between them?

Sister is here to see you

In 2022, the 57-year-old Zhang Ru seems to have been treated particularly favorably by the years. She always has a smile on her gentle face, and her clear eyes cannot see the various hardships she has experienced, but when the reporter asked Recalling the story of that year, her eyes immediately filled with tears.

Zhang Ru wiped her tears and said gratefully: "It has been so long and there are still people who remember these soldiers. Thank you very much."

The reporter looked at this heroine who had been on the battlefield for 9 years and also felt I couldn't help but be moved.

As the interview progressed, Zhang Ru's little-known behavior completely shocked them.

On April 1, 1993, the Laoshan Battle ended. After 9 years of bloody battles, countless soldiers sacrificed their lives for the country. Zhang Ru was lucky. She left the front line with the army and returned to her hometown, where she was able to be with her family. Share the joy of reunion.

Lying on a warm and comfortable bed at home, Zhang Ru no longer had to worry about the next crisis. Zhang Ru realized that she had really returned to a peaceful life. She was almost middle-aged and couldn't help but cry at night and wet her pillow towel. .

But as the days passed, Zhang Ru became more and more uneasy. Whenever she thought of her compatriots who died on the battlefield, she could not sleep. She often thought of the little soldier back then, she would always fantasize: If he too If he can survive, he must have a happy family now, with his own lover and children...

Whenever he thinks of these, Zhang Ru's tears can't stop flowing, and he will always fall into painful memories. Her family also noticed the changes in her and were very worried about her health.

But Zhang Ru, who had experienced the war, was strong at heart. She soon realized that crying was useless. She should really do something for these comrades. She was resolute and came up with an idea: to visit these soldiers. , and also take a look at their families for them.

In 2011, Zhang Ru started a "Journey of Mission" activity. She collected the names and information of her comrades who died that year, and began to search for their families.

In the next few years, Zhang Ru visited 9 provinces and cities, paid homage to 43 fallen soldiers, and sent condolences to their families.

Every family member of the martyr was very excited when they saw her. They did not expect that as time continued to advance, in addition to family members, there would be people who remembered the martyrs who stayed in the past. But Zhang Ru not only remembered, she also wanted to The stories of these comrades are known to more people.

Whenever she finds a family member of a comrade, she will recall it carefully, contact other surviving comrades to supplement it, and then tell them what happened to these soldiers in the army. As she tells it, the relatives of the martyrs seem to have seen it. My own children are laughing and playing and fighting bravely.

These precious memories bring them great comfort.

As her footprints traveled all over the country, Zhang Ru gradually had only one wish left: to pay homage to Zhao Weijun and take a look at his parents for him.

On May 1, 2015, her wish came true. After investigation, Zhao Weijun was awarded first-class merit after his sacrifice and was buried in the Martyrs Cemetery in Yuzhong County, Lanzhou City. Zhang Ru rushed there immediately after getting the news. past.

The sun was very bright that day. Looking at the golden photo on the tombstone, Zhang Ru burst into tears. At this moment, she seemed to have returned to the corner of the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, looking at the 19-year-old Zhao Weijun in her arms. Stopped breathing.

She understood that what she missed was not just Zhao Weijun, but the lives that had ended abruptly when they were young. She gently raised her hand and touched the tombstone and said: "Brother, sister is here to see you. Now There is no war in the country anymore. You will be very happy if you can see it..."

Zhang Ru, who stayed in front of the tombstone for a long time, finally calmed down. She found Zhao Weijun's parents and described Zhao Weijun word for word. heroic behavior.

The two gray-haired old men listened and shed tears of pride and pride. Their sons were well-deserved heroes!

Today, Zhang Ru is still running around, conveying the beliefs of her comrades day after day. In her slow narration, everyone seems to have seen the era of continuous war, and is more aware of the hope of peace. Hard-won.

Friends drink fine wine, jackals have shotguns

In 1979, the Vietnamese army blatantly occupied Laoshan , and continued to invade our borders to attack civilians and carry out provocations. Our leaders could not tolerate this and directly ordered: launch a self-defense counterattack !

Generals Yang Dezhi and Xu Shiyou led the soldiers to the front line and gave the Vietnamese army a fierce counterattack, destroying more than 20 billion facilities and materials that once supported North Vietnam .

After the end of the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, our troops immediately withdrew from Vietnam. The Central Committee stated that we only want to safeguard the safety of our own people and will never invade other countries.

But there are always ambitious "wolves". After our country withdrew its troops, the Vietnamese army took the opportunity to send troops to occupy Laoshan to the west of Lipo County in Yunnan, China. This time they really plucked the tiger's beard.

In 1984, the Battle of Laoshan completely started. Countless young people actively participated in the war. The whole country fell into an upsurge to defend the country. In this way, this nine-year battle began.

The roaring artillery fire resounded through the sky, and the gunfire on the Laoshan battlefield never stopped. The cunning Vietnamese army took advantage of the complex terrain of Laoshan in advance to build a large number of tunnels, maoer holes, bunkers and other defense facilities, which allowed our soldiers to recapture The old mountains brought great difficulties.

These soldiers, all aged between 18 and 25, were born in the peaceful era after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Before that, they had never experienced the cruelty of war. But they resolutely left their stable lives, carrying heavy bullets on their backs. , embarked on a battlefield with slim prospects.

The environment of the Laoshan battlefield is extremely harsh. In the humid and dark mountain forest, the soldiers' clothes are not dry anywhere, their bodies are covered with mosquito bites, and food and water are scarce.

Some people fell under the enemy's bullets, while others fell because they were not acclimatized. Countless soldiers never had the chance to go home.

Maybe someone once asked them whether they are afraid of death. Their answer should be yes. Who can not be afraid of dying bloody?

But if you ask them if they regret it, their answer will definitely be no!

Each of these young warriors fought the enemy until the last moment, and Zhao Weijun was one of them.

19-year-old Predator

In 1968, Zhao Weijun was born in a poor family in Gansu. Because of poor family conditions, he dropped out of school after only a few years of schooling and went home to farm. When he was young, after finishing his farm work, he often sat in the fields, Waiting for his grandfather to tell him some stories was his only way of entertainment when he was young.

His grandfather had witnessed the brutality of the Anti-Japanese War. He often told the stories of the People's Liberation Army soldiers with an extremely grateful attitude. Listening to these heroic deeds, Zhao Weijun was filled with yearning and admiration. He secretly decided that when he grew up, he would also Join the army and serve your country.

After the Laoshan War broke out in 1984, Zhao Weijun, who was just 17 years old, understood that the opportunity had come. He decisively chose to enlist in the army, determined to protect his family and country like his predecessors. Looking at the young children, the family felt extremely sad. I was reluctant, but still agreed.

In this way, Zhao Weijun followed the army to the Sino-Vietnamese border and began physical training day after day. Only then did he realize that being a soldier was harder than he imagined, but when he thought of serving the country, he still gritted his teeth and persisted. down.

Relying on his firm belief and strong body, Zhao Weijun stood out among the recruits in less than a year and became a deputy squad leader of the 5th Company of the 421st Regiment.

In 1986, he and other soldiers followed the 47th Army to the Songmaoling position. From that day on, he began to face the casualties of the war. One comrade after another fell beside him, in exchange for repelling the enemy again and again.

During that time, Zhao Weijun couldn't remember how long it had been. He only had one thought in his mind: to repel the enemy one more time.

On this day, Zhao Weijun once again led his team to charge towards the enemy. However, during the charge, he accidentally stepped on the enemy's ambush mine. In an instant, he lost consciousness in the explosion. He waited until his companions carried him to the hospital. When he was in the team, he was already dying. At this moment, Zhang Ru came to his side.

It’s not love, it’s better than love

Zhang Ru was only 21 years old at this time. Unlike Zhao Weijun, she was born in a family with superior conditions. Her parents were aerospace personnel working for the country, and her ancestors were also Red Army soldiers who had made great contributions. .

Zhang Ru, who grew up in such a family atmosphere, undoubtedly has a red heart of patriotism. Therefore, when she learned that the war broke out, she, a sweet girl who had been loved since childhood, said goodbye to her family and immediately chose Joined the army. After

joined the army, she became a female field nurse. When she came to the Laoshan battlefield where wounded people were everywhere, had nightmares for several days in a row. In her dreams, she was suffering from tortured compatriots, and when she woke up, she heard the same One scream after another.

All of this almost crushed Zhang Ru, but when she looked at the other female nurses struggling to rescue the wounded, she realized that no amount of intolerance and sympathy would be as useful as a roll of bandages or a bottle of potion at this time. She He quickly learned various rescue methods and began to save the lives of each soldier.

html One day in July, Zhang Ru, who was busy at Yedi Hospital, heard a burst of yelling. She walked forward and saw a young soldier lying on a stretcher covered in blood and blackened by bombs.

Even though she had seen the miserable conditions of many soldiers, Zhang Ru couldn't help but feel a tremor in her heart, and she quickly called out the doctor.

After some resuscitation, Zhao Weijun's injury was temporarily stabilized. He woke up slowly and saw Zhang Ru's tired but concerned eyes, which reminded him of his relatives at home. He couldn't help but feel happy: It's really I'm lucky to survive, and maybe I'll have a chance to see my family again.

Zhang Ru felt very distressed when she looked at the young-looking Zhao Weijun, and took more care of him. After several chats, the two quickly became friends.

Zhao Weijun smiled and said: "Comrade nurse, you are older than me, so I will call you sister."

Zhang Ru was also very happy to see him regaining his energy, and nodded in agreement.

But before everyone could be happy for too long, Zhao Weijun's injuries began to worsen. The conditions on the Laoshan battlefield were very poor, and there was no way to treat the infected wounds after they festered. The doctors had no choice but to try amputation to prolong his life.

Zhao Weijun vaguely felt that he was hopeless. Even if he survived, how could he continue to defend his family and country as a disabled person?

His pale face was full of reluctance, and he said to the people around him with tears in his eyes: "Please turn me towards Lanzhou, Gansu, so that I can see my hometown again."

Everyone understood that the soldier in front of him was already going to Unable to hold on any longer, Zhang Ru and several nurses couldn't help crying.

When Zhao Weijun saw this, he comforted the people around him: "It's okay. I didn't embarrass my family and did what I wanted to do. And I believe victory will come soon. I have no regrets. "

He felt The strength in his body disappeared little by little, and he could only whisper: "I have heard people say that life is incomplete without love, but I have no chance."

Looking at the crying Zhang Ru, he asked cautiously : "Sister, can you hug me?"

When Zhang Ru heard this, she bent down without hesitation and hugged the weak Zhao Jianjun. She gently kissed his forehead and corners of his lips with a hot kiss. Tears fell one drop at a time.

After this kiss, Zhao Weijun was no longer breathing, and his life stopped at the age of 19.

Once again, Zhang Ru was heartbroken to see her companions who fought together leave. She kept making a wish in her heart: Let this war end as soon as possible! Let's get rid of the enemy as soon as possible!

This scene was seen by war photographer Wang Hong, and it was deeply engraved in her mind. This is how she came up with the "Kiss of Death" that shocked the whole country.

Heroes who should not be forgotten

War is mutual, and it will always bring losses to both sides. However, there are still some people who have forgotten the cruelty of war and the sacrificed heroes, and continue to advocate for war. This is undoubtedly asking for trouble. It is a huge disrespect for those who dedicated themselves in the war.

There is an old saying that the scary thing is not death, but being forgotten.

We should always remember these sacrificed heroes. Only in this way can we pass on their beliefs and let more people in the world live a peaceful and stable life.