Photography is an art closely related to life. All things grow and lotuses bloom. One pair of eyes is one world; one moment is eternity. How many times have we encountered surprises in life? Capturing an image at the moment of pressing the shutter has created happiness for the so

Photography is an art closely related to life. All things grow and lotuses bloom. One pair of eyes is one world; one moment is eternity. How many times have we encountered surprises in life? Capturing an image at the moment of pressing the shutter has created happiness for the soul. The neglected details and stories in life are highlighted through the romance of photography.

Photography and life are two inseparable things, because what happens in front of the camera is what happens behind the camera. Without the former, the lens would be unable to capture, and without the latter, life would not be recorded. Today, let the editor of The Blockbuster Come tell you from different angles what heart-pounding stories will happen between life and photography!

1. Life is the background of photography

A person who is always depressed in life cannot take happy and bright photos, and a lively and curious person cannot take lonely scenes. The Buddha said: "If you have flowers in your heart, you will see flowers everywhere." The life we ​​experience creates the world we see, so photography is actually a reflection of our understanding of the world and the background of your life emotions.

2. Photography can bring a better life

When you fall in love with photography, you will fall in love with life. Because photography allows you to explore the beautiful side of life, the steaming steamed buns in the morning, the busy traffic at noon, and the colorful neon lights at night. Everything can be recorded and enjoyed. You are immersed in the beauty of life every day and actively move towards the sunshine.

3. Photography allows you to never lose your sense of life

Sometimes, people become numb. Day after day life, boring and repetitive work, all time is robbed by external things, you have no time to rest yourself, and no time to soothe your soul. However, photography is a window of respite. It allows you to briefly escape from the depression of life, allows you to contact pure nature and people, allows you to release, allows you to think, and allows you to purify yourself.

"Photography is a true portrayal of life, and it is also a nostalgia for old times. We always keep taking pictures, recording every bit of everything we go. Maybe one day, we will be happy, Life has gone through, and it is only because of photography that you will not look back at nothing, even if it is just a little bit, a thread, every shot is a test of the heart, and every shot is a reminder of the memory.
