#How to use a 50mm fixed focus lens to shoot portraits# Many photographers don’t like the 50mm standard fixed focus lens. The big reason is that the 50mm standard fixed focus lens does not have the impact of a wide-angle perspective, nor does it have the range of a medium-to-tele

Photographed by Nikon 50F1.4G

In the photography circle, everyone regards the 50mm fixed focus lens as an advanced lens. The reason is that most of the time the films taken by the 50mm look relatively bland, and it is said to be a lens that can surprise from the ordinary. lens.

Therefore, if a photographer wants to take good portraits with a 50mm fixed focus, the technical requirements for the photographer are much higher than those of other lenses, and they must pay more attention to the performance of technology. For example:

1, use more composition skills

Anyone who has used a 50mm fixed focus lens knows that the angle of view of a 50mm fixed focus lens is relatively flat. It does not have the exaggerated stretching of the angle of view like a wide angle, nor the sharp oppression of a telephoto. Therefore, when shooting, you should pay special attention to using some composition techniques to make up for this shortcoming and increase the artistic sense of the photo.

For example, you can lower the camera position slightly to make the model feel stretched; or move the model away from the background to enhance the blur effect when shooting with a large aperture.

2. Pay attention to the capture and application of light and shadow.

Light and shadow can make a photo "alive". No matter what lens is used or what subject is photographed, photographers should pursue and pay attention to the depiction of light and shadow.

But when shooting with 50mm, light and shadow are particularly important, which is a very important bonus.

For example, under the same conditions, shooting with a 50mm fixed focus and shooting with a 70mm-200mm will produce two completely different effects, because 50mm does not have the compression capability of a telephoto lens.

3. It is recommended to take less full-body portraits in large scenes.

50mm Can’t you take full-body portraits in large scenes? Of course

is possible, but compared with medium and long focal length lenses, the films shot with the 50mm fixed focus are grayer, and the color reproduction is not accurate enough, so it will take more trouble in post-production.

Of course, this is not absolute. When shooting with a small aperture in a relatively clean and open scene, the effect is still acceptable, so it depends on the actual shooting conditions.

4, 50mm fixed focus lens recommended usage scenarios

50mm Although the moderate viewing angle is not favored by photographers in many scenes, it has become an obvious advantage in the field of indoor portraits and studio portraits.

Most indoor portraits and studio portraits and portraits do not require a too wide angle of view or a too long focal length, because the space for indoor and studio photography is limited.

Therefore, the more commonly used focal lengths for indoor portraits and studio portraits are standard fixed focus or medium focal lengths.

and the 50mm distortion is small, which is exactly what is needed for studio photography.