like! Hot News and You Miss Sister Won the Second Runner-up of "Chong Sister" She not only looks beautiful, but also versatile

2020/12/0621:00:14 beauty 2867

There is Ding Zhen in Sichuan and Chongjie in Chongqing. On the evening of December 5th, the "Yangtze River Gold Cruise 2020 Miss China·Chongqing Contest and Three Gorges·Yunling Jiangshan Promotion Season Finals" hosted by Chongqing Daily Newspaper Group and Chongqing Tourism Investment Group held the Yangtze River Gold 5 at the landmark of Chaotianmen 6 in Chongqing. The cruise ship ended in glory. On the night of

, after more than two hours of fierce competition, Huaxiaxue won the 2020 "Miss Chongqing" champion, Jiang Luwei won the second place, and Wandandan won the third place. It is worth noting that the runner-up Jiang Luwei was last year I’ve boarded the Metropolis Hot News and met you on the street. When the reporter saw her again, she not only looked more beautiful, but also learned various dances. She also passed the professional level six in English. I have to say that she is a versatile Chongqing girl.

like! Hot News and You Miss Sister Won the Second Runner-up of

The second runner-up of the heavy sister has been on the hot news street shooting

On September 4, the 2020 Miss Chongqing Contest kicked off the first "Water Beauty Pageant". The contest has gone through three months of competition and has received more than 30 million media exposures. Among them, Jiang Luwei Through the audition, the semifinals, and the semi-finals, he became one of the most popular champions before the finals. A total of 17 beauties came to the fore in the finals that night. At a glance, Jiang Luwei, wearing No. 201, was the only one among all the players. The tallest is easy to distinguish. In the end, she won the second runner-up of "Chong Sister" with a high score of 115.36, and also won the Best Cultural Tourism Anchor Award and Chengyu Twins Cultural Tourism Ambassador.

20-year-old Jiang Luwei is a foreign trader who emphasizes teachers. A senior student majoring in film and television performance in the college, with a height of 1.82 meters, not only looks exquisite and delicate, but also has a graceful figure. He is deeply loved by the audience. Attentive readers will find that on June 27, 2019, the Metropolis Hot News and you The street-shooting lady who met on the plate was Jiang Luwei.

Last summer, the reporter met her twice during street-shooting on Tianjie Street in Beicheng. For the first time, she was wearing a white tube top dress. She was tall, sexy, and she walked quite a bit. The sub-name model is extraordinary. When I saw her for the second time, she had a long printed dress, flat sandals, cool sunglasses, full of vacation style. In the hot newspaper "Meeting with You" After the street shooting column, some readers even left messages wanting to find her.

At the Chong Jie finals on the evening of December 5th, the reporter saw Jiang Luwei for the third time after a lapse of more than a year. Not only did he look more beautiful, he also looked better. I used to be thin and proper Chongqing temperament beauty. When it came to the hot news of street shooting, she immediately recalled it and asked jokingly, “Isn’t I more beautiful than last year’s street shooting? The changes are still big... "It can be seen that she has grown a lot this year.

like! Hot News and You Miss Sister Won the Second Runner-up of

lost 30 catties in 4 months and participated in the rematch with injuries.

mentioned participating in the Miss Chongqing contest, and Jiang Luwei immediately opened the chatterbox. "A friend of my mother recommended me to participate. At first, I didn't think about winning the prize, so I wanted to meet the world and exercise myself. "Z1z

Jiang Luwei told reporters that last year she was a fat man of 150 catties. After four months of dieting in the first half of the year, she successfully lost 30 catties. "Is there anything more difficult than losing weight in this world?" She smiled and said that it was the success of losing weight that gave her the motivation and confidence to participate in the Miss Chongqing competition.

In fact, she continued the tenacity of losing weight on the stage of the heavy sister. Remember that Jiang Luwei did not dance before the quarter-finals. Shen's lumbar ligament was strained, and she struggled to get up the next day. She insisted on rehearsing with the injury and played with plasters in the semi-finals. This effort to give up left a deep impression on the contestants.

She performed close to perfection in the selection, semi-finals, swimsuit show and dance show in the finals, and she fully demonstrated the elegance and generosity of Chongqing beauty. "The words of the judges of the finals fully affirmed Jiang Luwei's performance in the entire competition. After the

drama dance hip-hop English major level 6

, Jiang Luwei excitedly showed the trophy, and the reporter asked her why she thought she could endorse Chongqing Cultural Tourism. Her answer is very simple: "I may not be the best-looking and most photogenic, but I am hard enough and cruel to myself. I believe that what I show is the positive energy of Chongqing, which is full of vigor and future. Can be expected. "Z1z

Don't think that Jiang Luwei is just beautiful on the outside. In fact, she is also versatile both inside and outside. The reporter learned that she was the monitor of the class during the four years of university, and she was good at drama performances. She also served as the vice chairman of the student union and a street dance club. President. Z1z

has not fallen behind in learning. In September, she was preparing for the competition whilePass the sixth level of English major. This year, she also passed the tour guide qualification certificate, model professional art certificate, and street dance teacher qualification certificate. Jiang Luwei said that this series of achievements and honors cannot be separated from her mother's silent support.

Every time she competes and trains, her mother is always by her side and she doesn't speak much. She just looks at her daughter quietly and tenderly. On the night of the game, Luwei’s mother was seated in the audience with pride in her eyes. All this was the result of her mother driving the bus and gritting her teeth to send her daughter to learn to perform. "Daughter is obedient and independent since she was a child. She often works part-time to earn tuition and living expenses, and sometimes saves money to learn dance and model training."

like! Hot News and You Miss Sister Won the Second Runner-up of

wants to engage in performance-related work in the future. The object of our admiration and praise. "Looking at her now, both her figure and performance in the game have changed a lot." said Xiao Yang, a junior at the School of Foreign Trade and Business. Weiwei also likes to play basketball. She is beautiful and gives a unique and unique appearance. Graceful beauty, she has long been Fengyun senior at school, "She is getting more and more popular now, and she has become Miss Chongqing. I am really happy for her." Although

is a goddess in the eyes of many people, remember to understand that she has been Still single, "I don't have any requirements for the other half, including the height. I don't care too much. I just look at the feeling. Maybe someday fate will come."

talked about the future. Jiang Luwei told reporters that she is not in a hurry to find it. Work, "If I can, I still want to engage in art performance-related work, after all, it is my own profession." The reporter learned that a model training school had previously signed her intentionally.

Urban Hot News-Xiang Yu Reporter: Lang Jianrong

Editor: Tian Lujun

Review: Zhou Yuan

Total Duty: Yan Yige

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