During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b

2024/06/0402:37:32 beauty 1190

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

During this period, lilies and have been opened in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies.

The most beautiful thing about lilies is the core of the flower after it blooms. This is the biggest difference between lilies and other flowers. Because I was shooting outdoors, I brought the Canon 70-300mm F4-5.6 lens. The focal length of this lens is long enough, making it very convenient to shoot lilies outdoors, and the blur brought by the telephoto is also very soft and beautiful.

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

▲1/400 sec f/5.6 ISO:200

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

▲1/90 sec f/5.6 ISO:100

In addition, side backlighting was also specially used to shoot, and the light shining on the lilies is particularly beautiful; the light and shadow created can Adds a lot of color to photos.

If you want to shoot a dark background, it is best to choose a scene with a relatively dark background to shoot, such as dead trees and weeds. These backgrounds are relatively dark and are very suitable as backgrounds. And with the blessing of telephoto lens , the background selection is relatively easy to handle.

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

▲ 1/180 seconds f/5.6 ISO: 100

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

▲ 1/250 seconds f/5.6 ISO: 200

If you want to show a gorgeous lily, you can bring a spray , spray a little on the lily before shooting , so as to present a delicate and charming atmosphere. But it’s best to bring a macro lens when photographing dewdrops, which will produce better effects.

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

▲1/250 seconds f/4 ISO: 200

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

▲1/250 seconds f/4 ISO: 100

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

▲1/400 seconds f/4 ISO: 640

During this period, lilies have begun to bloom in many places. For photography enthusiasts, this is a rare shooting subject. Today I will share with you how to shoot lilies. The most beautiful thing about lilies is the flower core after it blooms. This is the biggest difference b - DayDayNews

▲1/250 sec f/6.3 ISO: 800

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