Since its launch, the "Summer" Your Summer Together event has received positive contributions from netizens. Photographers have come forward to record the most beautiful summer and share it with everyone. Thank you for your love and support. The first phase of online voting has e

2024/05/2517:27:33 beauty 1714

Let’s take photos of your summer together

Since its release, the event

has received positive submissions from netizens

Photography enthusiasts have come forward

to record the most beautiful summer and share it with everyone

Thank you for your love and support

Since its launch, the

first phase line Online voting has ended

After fierce competition and competition through the selection of the organizing committee

and online voting

in the end Maomao and Tangtang's "Good Luck Lotus"

received 722 votes and was the winner of this issue

will receive Bluetooth noise reduction Headphones one piece

get the top three votes at the same time

We will make the work into

customized commemorative photo frame

give it to everyone

Since its launch, the

first place 722 votes

Maomao and Tangtang "Good Luck Lotus"

Since its launch, the

Second place 593 votes

piece Eagle "Summer in Li Cun River"

Since its launch, the

Third place 301 votes

He Xiaochang "Panorama"

Since its launch, the

Congratulations to the above winning netizens

Since its launch, the

The second phase of the work display is also here

Since its launch, the


also invites you to participate in the online voting event

elects you Favorite works

Since its launch, the


Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Title of work: He Yan Yuese

Author: Sun Zhongbin

Since its launch, the

● ●

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Title of work: That Summer

Author: Gu Han

Since its launch, the

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Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Title of work: Fantasy 1 "Summer"

Author: Wang Chen

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Title of work: Beautiful sunny summer

Author: Liu Mei

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Title of work: Born like a summer flower

Author: Qin Xiaomei

Since its launch, the


Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Title of work: Flower World

Author: Lalanluohua

Since its launch, the

● ●

Since its launch, the

Title of work: Metamorphosis

Author: Chongya

Since its launch, the


Since its launch, the

Title of work: Enjoying the coolness under the tree

Author: Fang Chao

Since its launch, the


Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Title of work: Summer Evening

Author: Shrimp Don’t Blink

Since its launch, the 0

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Since its launch, the

Since its launch, the

Title of work: One step Climb up one step at a time

Name: Anonymous

Come and vote for your favorite works

The voting time for this period is 7 days

(July 4th - July 11th at 24:00)

The author with the highest votes will win

shoot How to vote for your favorite work?

First step

Follow "Li Cang Rong Media" WeChat public account

Save the picture

Open WeChat and long press the QR code

to follow ↓↓ ↓

Since its launch, the

The second step

reply "vote"

click on the pop-up link to vote

Please note that each voting issue can only be voted once for each ID.

Want to participate

Click here↓

Come and take photos of your summer together.

If you think it looks good, please click here↓↓↓

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