I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli, a woman who is as good at throwing things away as she is at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have

2024/05/2403:03:32 beauty 1959

I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli. Women are as good at throwing things as they are at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have lost.

I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli, a woman who is as good at throwing things away as she is at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have  - DayDayNews

Let’s go from room to room one by one.

The first day of separation: the kitchen

This is something I have always disliked. A lot of garbage bags, rusty iron pots, various bottles, various packaging boxes, disposable tableware, expired refined salt, starch, foaming powder , packed up a big bag.

Have you ever had this situation where you keep various packaging bags as garbage bags, but keep them again and again? You have accumulated several bags of garbage bags. Some of the bags inside have grown hair and give off a musty smell. There are also various bottles and packaging boxes piled in the corners of the wall cabinets, taking up a lot of space, but you rarely use these things. There are also new bottles and boxes available for occasional use, and those old bottles and jars are dusty and have absorbed enough grease to be difficult to clean. In addition, we often stock up on goods. The supermarket holds activities and buys a lot of refined salt, yeast powder, baking soda, corn starch, and chicken essence. Because these things are used in small amounts after all, many of them are stored at the bottom of the cabinet, and you often don’t notice when they are expired. Those things that I thought I would be able to use one day have been emptied out of all the garbage that had been forgotten in the corner. I found that the kitchen was already very clean and tidy even before it was cleaned. Then I arranged all the things I needed neatly. It turned out that the kitchen was quite big. I always felt that the kitchen was small.

I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli, a woman who is as good at throwing things away as she is at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have  - DayDayNews

The next thing I want to get rid of is my refrigerator. Don’t get me wrong, I’m talking about stocking up on the refrigerator. First, open the frozen layer. There is half a bag of hand cake left. I bought it last year and threw it away! There are 2 bags of glutinous rice balls left. I bought them the year before last. Throw them away! I took out 3 pieces of frozen corn. I don’t know how old they were. The date of manufacture was blurred. Throw them away! I forgot to eat the dumplings I made. They were frozen to death on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. I took them off and threw them away! There were actually piles of frozen pork scattered outside in the corner of the refrigerator. They looked at me lifelessly, throw them away! In the end, only seven or eight of the rice dumplings purchased online a few years ago were exposed from the bottom of the refrigerator. Alas, a few of them were not tasty after being cooked at that time, but they have been kept until now. Next, go to the refrigerator. Throw away all the expired sesame sauce, farm sauce, salad dressing, expired chive flowers, black sesame balls, rock sugar, and brown sugar! After throwing away these things, I looked at the refrigerator again, and suddenly I felt as if a window had been opened in my heart. A ray of sunlight poured in from outside the window, which was extremely bright!

I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli, a woman who is as good at throwing things away as she is at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have  - DayDayNews

The second day after separation: bedroom

The wardrobe in the bedroom is my first goal. First, take out all the clothes in the closet and throw them on the bed. Some clothes you no longer like after wearing them for a while are always stacked on the top of the wardrobe and forgotten before you even have time to throw them away. Some of the clothes are almost new and have been worn only once. Either they match the clothes of others and they don’t like to wear them, or they are criticized by others for not looking good and are unwilling to wear them again. They are reluctant to throw away the new ones. There are also clothes that are needed for certain occasions, such as dress-style clothes bought for banquets and weddings. They cannot be worn on a daily basis. They have been kept in the wardrobe for several years and have become worn out. They were quite expensive when they were bought, so they are not willing to throw them away. Some of the clothes were given by friends. They were high-end and high-grade . I always felt they were incompatible with my usual outfits and I never wore them once. This time I got rid of all the clothes, throwing away the unwearable clothes and giving the wearable clothes to people who need them more.

I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli, a woman who is as good at throwing things away as she is at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have  - DayDayNews

The clothes were given out, and the relatives and friends who received them liked them very much. They picked out their favorite clothes and compared them with each other, and they all praised the clothes for their beauty. When these clothes in my closet were at home, they were like the concubines in the harem who were relegated to the cold palace. They were lifeless and would never see the light of day.Now these clothes are finally coming to life, they are blooming with brilliance and beauty in the homes of their new owners who love them, I am so happy for them!

The third day of separation: bookcase

There are many books in my house, so many that they can be found everywhere and are easily accessible, and there are all kinds of books. People who love books must be reluctant to throw away books, so I waited until the third day to clean up my bookcase. I moved a little slowly, with a little reluctance, and a little nostalgia as I walked to the bookcase. I took out these books bit by bit and put them in categories, and finally found my goal of giving up! I actually still keep my textbooks, notes, and exercise books from when I was in school. They looked at me with a dim light, as if they wanted to say to me, let me go back. I want to go back to the paper mill and start over! Okay, I compromised. Except for books on history, literature, and knowledge, I don’t want any old books and send them to scrap collection station . The parenting books I bought when I was pregnant, comics, stories, and books suitable for children were all donated by my daughter and I, allowing them to be circulated to people who need them more and realize their due value.

I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli, a woman who is as good at throwing things away as she is at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have  - DayDayNews

The fourth day of separation: the living room

The living room is a place where trivial items gather. Souvenirs bought from travel include shells, medals, cards, key chains, bookmarks, fans, stones, paper-cuts, stamps, wind chimes, masks, various ornaments, and various water glasses that are often brought home. Some of these souvenirs were thrown into the box, and I forgot where I bought them when I took them out. Some were placed in the corner of the drawer. They no longer have any aesthetic value. Even water glasses, big and small, are Many of them are of no use because they are not used after returning home, so they just throw them away and they seem to be everywhere, but they seem to have never been seen before. This day was a struggle. After the struggle, I still liked a small part of it, but I still threw away the rest.

I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli, a woman who is as good at throwing things away as she is at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have  - DayDayNews

The fifth day of separation: photos

I took out these photos one by one, laughing while looking at them, recalling those happy times in the past. will discard some duplicate photos when they encounter them. In the end, I saw that there were only a few dozen pictures in the trash can, and I didn’t want to throw away any of the rest. I just realized how difficult it is for a person to break away from memories. Originally I thought that after taking these photos, I could throw them away, but I still think it is time-consuming and laborious. Anyway, the photos don’t take up much space, so I’ll keep them for now. Maybe one day I can throw away these old photos without hesitation. I don’t know how far away that day is?

I recently fell in love with Duan Sheli, a woman who is as good at throwing things away as she is at buying them. Get rid of unnecessary things, get rid of excess waste, and break away from attachment to items. I also happily gave up my life for five whole days. Look what I have  - DayDayNews

Five days later, I looked at my home again. It really felt like I was in a new home. I only saw the things I needed and liked, but I couldn’t see the things I didn’t need and didn’t like. This feeling is really great!

Keeping old items shows that people are nostalgic; hoarding various items shows that people have a sense of crisis; being reluctant to throw away unnecessary items and disliked items shows that people are greedy. What you give up is not only the items, but also the dangerous psychology that can make your heart dusty. So keep the items you like and need, throw away the items you don’t like and don’t need decisively, and let your soul be pure from now on.

I am Lingdang, a psychological counselor. Follow me and I will discuss life with you.

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