On July 1, the launch of the "Beautiful Pingyu City of Civilization" photography art competition and the awarding ceremony of the Civilized Practice Photography Base were held at the Pingyu County New Era Civilized Practice Center. This event is sponsored by the Pingyu County Par

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On July 1, the launch of the "Damei Pingyu Civilized City" photography art competition and the awarding ceremony of the Civilized Practice Photography Base were held at the Pingyu County New Era Civilized Practice Center. This event is sponsored by the Pingyu County Party Committee Civilization Office, the County Culture, Broadcasting and Tourism Bureau, the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the County Yanhuang Culture Research Association, and is hosted by the County New Era Civilization Practice Service Center and the County Public Welfare Photography Association.

On July 1, the launch of the

Li Linqing, second-level inspector of Zhumadian City and chairman of the Municipal Photographers Association, Wang Juan, member of the Standing Committee of the Pingyu County Party Committee, Propaganda Minister and Deputy County Magistrate, Vice Chairman of the Municipal Photographers Association Chen Mancang, Wang Wenyan, executive deputy of the Municipal Elderly Photography Association Chairman and Secretary-General Cao Baofeng, Chairman Yao Shan and Vice Chairman Feng Maichun of the Municipal Staff Photographers Association attended the event.

Chai Xiaoqiang, Director of the Civilization Office of Pingyu County Party Committee, Lu Xiangyang, Chairman of the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Chen Zhimin, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the County Yanhuang Research Association, Ma Mingyu, Deputy Director of the County Culture, Broadcasting and Tourism Bureau, Deputy Directors of Civilization Units at the Provincial and Municipal Levels, Propaganda in Townships Committee members, all staff of the County Party Committee Civilization Office, New Era Civilization Practice Center, some staff of the Integrated Media Center, and members of the County Charity Photography Association participated in the event. The event was hosted by Chai Xiaoqiang.

On July 1, the launch of the

During the event, Lu Xiangyang, chairman of the County Federation of Literary and Art Circles, read out the "Notice of the "Great Beauty, Civilized City" Photography Art Competition" and the "List of the First Batch of Civilized Practice Photography Bases"; the leaders present at the meeting awarded the first batch of civilized practice photography bases.

Vice Chairman of the Municipal Photographers Association Chen Mancang delivered a congratulatory message. He said that in recent years, the economic construction of Pingyu County has been booming, the urban and rural landscape is changing with each passing day, and many tasks such as project construction, industrial development, and urban construction are at the forefront of the city. 2020 In 2016, it successfully established the national civilized city . It is indeed a thousand-year-old county with rich cultural heritage and rich humanities, a civilized city with livable ecology and beautiful environment, and an emerging city with developed industries and huge potential. The official launch of this competition reflects the importance and support of the Pingyu County Party Committee and County Government to the art of photography, and is also a specific measure for Pingyu to increase its image publicity.

The Municipal Photographers Association will fully support and organize city and county Photographers Association members and photography enthusiasts to participate in this competition, and hopes that the majority of photography enthusiasts will focus on the theme of the competition and record the new changes and innovations in various fields of society from different angles. Achievements, using photographic works with distinctive themes and novel ideas, between light and shadow, movement and stillness, record the numerous achievements Pingyu County has made in the construction of a civilized city and prosperous Pingyu. I hope that this competition will create more and better video works that are in-depth, down-to-earth, story-telling and infectious. I hope that everyone will continue to care and support the development of Pingyu, and shoot and record Pingyu’s new achievements, new experiences, and new atmosphere with greater intensity and fuller enthusiasm.

Wang Juan, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda, and Deputy County Magistrate, delivered a speech and announced the launch of the "Beautiful Pingyu Civilized City" photography art competition. She said that we held this photography competition and awarded the first batch of civilized practice photography bases to celebrate the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully demonstrate the good image of "a beautiful and civilized city", and practice " The theme activities of the calligraphy, painting and photography exhibition "Me on the Way to the Examination·Depicting the Colorful Central Plains" require that we continue to polish the golden signboard of civilized cities across the country, inherit the traditional culture of Pingyu, tell the story of Pingyu in the new era, demonstrate Pingyu's civilized qualities, and continuously promote the spirit of Pingyu. Civilization construction has reached a new level.

She hopes that relevant units will cooperate and provide good services for this photography competition. She also hopes that photographers can walk more and see more in Pingyu, and experience and appreciate the history, culture, customs and customs of this hot land at close range, and use The camera records the new changes, new images, and new achievements of public opinion in the process of urban construction, rural revitalization, and high-quality leapfrog development in the new era.

On July 1, the launch of the

After the event, Wang Wenyan, vice chairman of the Municipal Photographers Association, gave a photography art training lecture titled "Basic Knowledge of Photography and Photography Categories" to the participants. Photographers who participated in the training said that the organizer's activities were well-arranged and scientifically rigorous. After combining practice and theory, everyone's photography skills were significantly improved and they benefited a lot from the lecture. (Pingyu County Civilization Office)

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