Thanks to "Toutiao" for the invitation, #post an old photo full of memories#. After opening the drawer where the photo album was stored, I searched over and over again, and finally landed on a precious and still freshly remembered photo from my early 20s.

2024/05/1712:40:33 beauty 1384

Author of the Guide to Difficult and Difficult Diseases of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Wu Xuefang

On July 3, 2022,

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thanked "Toutiao" for the invitation, #post an old photo full of memories#. After opening the drawer where the photo album was stored, I searched over and over again, and finally landed on a precious and still freshly remembered photo from my early 20s.

I graduated from high school in 1962. Although I was admitted to Xintankou Middle School, I did not continue my education. The reason is very simple. My parents strongly opposed it. They believed that because my background was not good, no matter how much I studied, it would be useless. I just turned fourteen after dropping out of school and started working with adults. At that time, I really couldn't bear it, and I often had some thoughts in my mind: Is this my destiny? But I always I don’t believe in the theory of fate, so I want to change myself through hard work. Then, an answer sprouted in my mind. I was reading a novel at the time, and I remember the author said this in the book: "Destiny is not an opportunity, but a choice. We should not expect the arrangement of fate, we must use our efforts to create our destiny..." Pass After being inspired by this passage, I suddenly woke up from a dream, and I understood a truth: It turns out that destiny is in my own hands, knowledge is the only way and means to change destiny, and perseverance is the only way to achieve life. By chance, I visited the home of Chang Geng (now a doctor in Tongjin Village, a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner) who was 150 meters away from my home. At that time, I met him who was studying at No. 1 Middle School in Honghu City. When I came back, after chatting with him, I found two books on his desk, one was "Shen Nong's Materia Medica " and the other was "Lecture Notes on Febrile Diseases". I opened the first book in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica". When I read one page, I was blinded. I found that the book was full of classical texts, and there were no sentence breaks or punctuation. So I sighed in my heart! I am a high school student, and it is impossible to understand the connotation of it. , something that is simply impossible. So I asked him, what is this book for? He said it is a must-read book for learning Chinese medicine. Do you want to read it? This is very difficult! It is too profound for even me to read, let alone you. I said, can you lend it to me? He said, yes, you can try it! After returning home, I secretly made up my mind and had the idea of ​​becoming a Chinese medicine doctor. It’s not easy to do. The next day I asked for leave from the production team and walked to Xintankou Xinhua Bookstore to buy back many books on Chinese and Western medicine. I feel happy in my heart, maybe the dream starts from now, and the sailing starts from today...

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Just like this, I work during the day, read and study late at night, stay up for six months in summer, fight the severe cold in winter, and don't know how to sleep every time the cock crows, look up the words, Find an explanation in a Chinese medicine dictionary. Without a teacher, not enough time, and no nutritional supplements, I excerpted the key contents from the four classics "Shen Nong's Materia Medica, Huangdi Neijing , Treatise on Febrile Diseases , Treatise on Febrile Diseases " (10 books were recorded successively). When working, write the verses on your arm and recite them. A few years later, when I was in my twenties, I looked like a person in my forties. At that time, my heart almost collapsed, and I even gave up the idea of ​​not wanting to live, but I still dominated my mind and body with reason and perseverance. The Cultural Revolution began in 1966. The 18-year-old me at that time did not escape this human disaster. I usually like to draw and write (I like excerpts and records when reading novels, and talk about national affairs when socializing). Because of these cutting-edge things This attracted the attention of the Red Guards from the same brigade at that time, who then ransacked my home and forced me to confess.

I once remembered reading a novel called "War Drums Encouraging Spring". At that time, I excerpted a poem from the book: "The tortoise's shell is hard to beat with the hammer, and the brave hero is the enemy of the knife in the belly. There is no way Zilong to save Adou, and Watch our army restore the Chiang Dynasty." It was this poem that led to the fuse (I couldn’t remember which book it was copied from). As a result, I was taken away by the Red Soldiers and interrogated day and night in the brigade headquarters. They later decided that I was a counterrevolutionary. In a study class in Beizhou Commune, I I studied with those so-called illegal people for more than a month.

During those days in the study class, I came into contact with many people who were similar to me. While studying political ideas to transform the soul, I also looked for opportunities to read and study. I used the medical silver needles I brought from home to In the class, patients were given acupuncture and massage treatments, which became a favorite for a while and received high praise from everyone! In clinical practice, I also realized a lot of principles of traditional Chinese medicine in treating diseases, which also made me have a quantitative to qualitative change in my thinking.

The Red Guards tried to find fault with me by wearing random hats and fabricating political persecution because they could not be established. Later, they recommended that the Honghu City People’s Procuratorate handle the matter. In the Xintan District Town Hall, the Procuratorate dismissed the case with the conclusion that he could not be convicted on the grounds of leniency for confession, and announced that he would be exempted from criminal punishment and would be subject to public supervision and control.

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In 1970, I was sent by the team to Songzi County to participate in the construction of the third line, and participated in the construction of the Zhiliu Railway with the farmers. During those days in Songzi County, I worked with bamboo baskets every day, I carried a shoulder pole and an ivory hoe with my hands on my shoulders. I worked selflessly during the day and participated in study and reform at night. In addition to the heavy physical labor, I suffered a lot mentally. I looked like a little old man when I was less than 20 years old. , I was dejected at that time, but I never gave up my determination to study Chinese medicine. In the end, it was not until the Zhiliu Railway was completed that my transformation was basically completed. Recalling those days makes me shed tears.

When I could no longer bear the political persecution and physical torture, in 1974, I took my wife He Mingyu and a child (Dagang) who had just turned one and a half years old, to my good friend Hosoda in the dead of night. The three of us were escorted to Paizhou Pier to take a boat. We said goodbye to that desolate wilderness and inhumane place, and settled in Group 7 of Jinji Village, Zhuru Street, Caidian District. In May of that year, his youngest son was born and named Xiaogang. During this period, I was sent by the production team to Hongbei Waiyuan to plant Liangzao. At that time, I was secretly happy. Now I had the opportunity to read and learn Chinese medicine. During the three years in Waiyuan, I did my job well on the premise of doing my job well. , make use of all available time, seize the opportunity to study, and also have opportunities to contact patients.

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During this period, I carefully read "Theoretical Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine", "Basic Acupuncture", "Traditional Chinese Massage", "Lectures on Traditional Chinese Medicine", "TCM Prescriptions", " Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine ", "TCM Gynecology" Science", " Chinese Medicine Pediatrics ", "Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology" and four classics on traditional Chinese medicine. In this way, I gained a lot of knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine and further inspired me to work hard in the direction of traditional Chinese medicine.

Due to various reasons, we once again moved to Group 6 in Dongshan Village, our hometown. During those days when there was a tomb at the back door, square earthen walls, the house was sunny and sunny, the rain was like a mud pond, and the salt water was used as vegetables, our family of four spent another extraordinary four years here.

During these four years, I was sent out to build bridges one after another. Captain Xiao Yueqiao knew that I liked reading and studying, so he later simply called me Commander Niu. Now I had the opportunity to learn. I drove the cattle to the mountain every day, sat aside, took out my favorite book "Shanghan Laisu Collection" and read it over and over again. I just read the Six Classics of Zhang Zhongjing Dialectics, 393 original articles and 113 prescriptions are almost memorized, and they are so familiar that they can be picked up easily.

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In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party was held, and Deng Xiaoping came out to preside over the party's work. While setting things right and rehabilitating the situation, the country reinstated the college entrance examination system. At that time, I was approaching my thirties, and I was also experiencing prosperity. At that time, I applied for the postgraduate examination of Xiaxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine on "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". Due to my poor performance in the examination, I was two and a half points short of the admission score and ultimately failed.Although I didn’t get on the list for this exam, I didn’t feel discouraged. Instead, it inspired me even more to learn Chinese medicine! After passing the test and assessment, what surprises me even more is: I am a candidate with a high school education. Through hard work and unremitting study, I can reach the postgraduate college entrance examination level. I feel really lucky and proud! Passing this exam, let me I became more and more out of control. At that time, I used a few ten yuan of my annual income to buy back some fish and meat, and used the remaining few yuan to buy a radio. On the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, while digging lotus roots in the lotus root pond in front of my house, I turned on the radio. Hubei People's Broadcasting Station was broadcasting policies and regulations for individual practitioners in a set of news programs. I almost jumped with excitement at that time! In 1980, I applied for the examination at the then Wuhan City and Hanyang County Health Bureaus and passed the examination. I obtained the qualification of an individual medical practitioner and was the first to obtain a medical practitioner license in Hanyang County. Later, I became a medical practitioner in Hanyang County. Zhenxiezi Lake is scheduled to open.

After years of hard work, I am proud of it. The years have not been wasted, and I am worthy of my family's expectations for me! While studying while attending clinics, my level of Chinese medicine is also rapidly improving.

I participated in the " Health Report " teaching class, Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine study, and finally obtained a college diploma in Beijing Normal University traditional Chinese medicine education class.

After passing the second professional physician assessment examination, I finally obtained the Chinese medicine practitioner qualification certificate and became a professional Chinese medicine practitioner.

Looking back on the path I have taken in life, I feel very emotional. It turns out that the twists and turns are tempering my character, and the bumpy life is a good opportunity to achieve success and temper me. Let me deeply understand: knowledge changes destiny, ambition makes the future!

Although I am over seventy years old, I have not given up research and learning. In my spare time, I like to do some poetry writing, and I also like music and practice. Practicing Qigong to maintain health will make your life more fulfilling in your later years. Only when people refuse to admit defeat can they always win! I will continue to do so until my last breath.

Author: Wu Xuefang

2022.7.3 day

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