After giving birth, they are urged to drink "brown sugar water". Is it useful or redundant to drink brown sugar water after delivery?

Wen丨 Jing Ma said, original content.

In our country, "drink more hot water" can be said to cure all diseases, and brown sugar water is the "net celebrity" in hot water.

comes with menstruation and stomach pains, so drink some brown sugar water;

has to deliver a glass of brown sugar water before the baby comes out of the delivery room after giving birth;

will drink brown sugar water and eat brown sugar eggs every day during the confinement period...

I remember that in the year of my internship in the hospital, I was transferred to the obstetrics and gynecology department in December. On the first day, the director who took us said, "I was caught up by you, the most one month of having children in a year."

Sure enough, I can be busy every day after that, and I often follow internships in the delivery room. I often see the mothers who have just given birth and notify the family members that they "have", and then the family members handed over a cup of brown sugar water for the mother to drink.

But, is it really necessary to drink "brown sugar water" like this? Is drinking brown sugar water useful or redundant after childbirth? Next, let's analyze and analyze together.

After giving birth, drinking brown sugar water is useful or redundant? ‍Z2z

This must first analyze the reasons for "drinking brown sugar water after childbirth". The common reasons for drinking brown sugar water after childbirth are mainly these:

consumes energy and energy to give birth to a child, and drinking brown sugar water quickly replenishes energy.

helps uterine contraction and speeds up the elimination of lochia.

Brown sugar supplements iron. Drinking brown sugar water can help supplement blood.

First of all, drink a cup of warm brown sugar water to quickly replenish moisture and energy after giving birth. This is ok.

Secondly, brown sugar water promotes contractions and promotes the discharge of lochia. This may be a bit exaggerated. Generally, the doctor will prescribe Shenghua Decoction or other drugs after delivery to promote the discharge of lochia.

But I rarely hear doctors say drinking more brown sugar water to promote lochia, so if you drink brown sugar water for lochia, be careful.

Finally, you will lose a lot of blood when you give birth, and you should pay attention to iron supplementation after delivery to prevent anemia.

However, if you rely on drinking sugar water to replenish iron and blood, even if you drink a lot of sugar water every day after childbirth, it may not be effective. Instead, you will gain too much weight due to excessive energy intake, or affect postpartum blood sugar levels.

So, to sum it up, it is: it is okay to drink sugar water after childbirth to temporarily supplement water and energy; if you like to drink, occasionally drinking a glass is also ok; but if you drink a lot all day long, you want to drink sugar water to supplement iron.

After giving birth, how can iron supplementation be effective after delivery? ‍Z2z

Actually, after giving birth, you will be hospitalized for a few days, and the doctor will also check the mother. If

really loses too much blood and needs iron supplementation, the doctor will carry out corresponding treatments, such as blood transfusion and taking iron supplements; if

is not so serious, the doctor may recommend that the mother eat more iron-rich foods.

PS: But doctors would definitely not recommend that mothers drink more brown sugar water to supplement iron. After all, the iron content in brown sugar is limited, and I still drink it with water. Although I drank a large glass of brown sugar water, the iron in it was so little. It may not be completely absorbed.

1. Which foods are "iron-rich foods"?

is shown in the figure below. According to the "Chinese Food Composition Table (2002)", the iron content of common foods (calculated in 100 grams of edible parts) can be seen:

red meat, animal liver, animal blood clots, fish, dark vegetables (Such as spinach, red beets, etc.), black fungus, tahini, black sesame, tofu skin, dried shrimp, egg yolk, etc., many foods contain iron. The content of

is different, and the absorption rate after eating is also different. The iron contained in

foods can be divided into two categories: one is the iron contained in animal foods, which is easily absorbed "heme iron", which is divalent iron, and the other is iron contained in plant foods , Is the "non-heme iron" that is not easy to absorb, that is, trivalent iron.

Animal food has better iron supplementation effect and higher absorption rate; animal blood can reach 25%, animal meat and liver can reach 22%, and fish 11%.

And plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, beans, etc., the iron absorption rate in these foods is low, generally 3%-5%, not more than 10%.

Of course, the egg yolk also contains iron, but it also has a low absorption rate of only 3%, so it should not be blinded.Eat more egg yolk iron, the effect of iron supplementation is not so good.

If you want to supplement iron with food after giving birth, you can eat some red meat such as pork, beef, mutton, or animal liver, such as pig liver, chicken liver, duck liver, etc., fish can also, such as crucian and tofu Boiling soup can also help promote breast milk secretion. Animal blood can also be used, but you must pay attention to food hygiene and safety issues.

2, what can be done to make iron absorb more?

Vitamin C can promote iron absorption.

Therefore, if you want to increase the absorption rate of iron supplemented by food, you can also eat foods rich in vitamin C.

Jujubes (fresh dates, wild dates), citrus fruits (oranges, oranges, grapefruits), berries (kiwi, sea buckthorn, blackcurrants, strawberries, prickly pears), etc., have a high content of vitamin C.

Vitamin A and Vitamin B2 are also helpful in promoting iron absorption. Z2z

These two nutrients are very common in daily food, usually pay attention to a reasonable diet, generally not lacking.

Most organic acids in food can promote iron absorption.

such as malic acid, citric acid, etc., so iron supplementation in the confinement can also eat some sour fruits, yogurt, etc.

Phytate and oxalate in vegetable grains, polyphenols in coffee and tea, will affect iron absorption, so iron supplementation during confinement, avoid drinking tea and coffee, containing phytate Vegetables can be blanched first.

[written at the end]:

After giving birth, it is correct to supplement nutrition through a reasonable diet to promote body recovery, but pay attention to the correct and scientific way of supplementing nutrition.

Brown sugar water can be drunk after childbirth, but it is not necessary to drink a lot of brown sugar water every day to supplement iron. Not only does it fail to achieve a good iron supplement effect, but it is easy to gain weight and affect blood sugar fluctuations.

If you really need iron supplementation, you should eat more iron-rich foods, or take iron supplements according to the doctor's advice. You can't blindly use the wrong method to supplement iron.

After you gave birth to your baby, have you ever drunk brown sugar water or eaten a lot of other brown sugar foods during the confinement? Let me talk about your views on "drinking brown sugar water after childbirth".