Can humans give birth to twins, and can double yolk eggs also hatch twin chicks?

In daily life, eggs are a very common food, basically people will eat it every day, but eggs need to be peeled before they can be eaten. This is common sense. When we beat eggs, they are usually in egg whites. Wrapped with an egg yolk, occasionally, we will also see double yolk eggs. So, does this mean that this "double yolk egg" will become twin chicks if it hatches normally? It's like humans occasionally give birth to twins.

Chickens are oviparous animals, humans are mammals, and the reproductive structure is completely different. For example, humans have placenta, chickens do not. First of all, let's take a look at what an egg is made of. From the inside to the outside, it is eggshell, egg white, yolk membrane, yolk, blastoderm, frenulum and air chamber. Of course, our naked eyes can only distinguish the egg. The three parts of shell, egg white and egg yolk. Usually the eggs we eat are infertile eggs, which means that chicks cannot be hatched. Only before the eggs are formed, in the hen's oviduct, the embryo and sperm of the egg will become fertilized eggs. Only then will the chicks hatch. Moreover, the fertilized egg generally begins to develop before being discharged by the hen, and after the hen hatches, the mature chick will peck the eggshell and come out from the inside.

I don’t know if you have noticed a phenomenon. Generally, double-yolk eggs will be a little bigger than normal eggs. In theory, if double-yolk eggs are fertilized, they can hatch 2 small eggs. Chickens, however, the development of chicks also requires adequate nutrition. Therefore, during the development process, one of the yolks will be absorbed by the other. Therefore, generally speaking, double-yolk eggs can only hatch 1 A little chicken came out.

Of course, occasionally there will be 2 chicks born in one egg. This situation is very rare, and 2 chicks hatched from double yellow eggs survive The rates are also very low. Generally, few grow up to become chickens, and they will die because of stunted growth within 1-2 weeks. Also, occasionally, some deformed chicks are born. In fact, most of them are related to double-yolk eggs. This is when a strong chick eats another chick during the development of the eggshell. However, in the process of absorption, various problems are prone to occur, so it will eventually cause a part of another chicken to grow on other chickens.

From the point of view of scientists, the nutritional value of double-yolk eggs is actually not higher than that of normal eggs. In folk, many people think that eating double-yolk eggs means that they have absorbed twice the nutrition. In fact, this view is not correct. And the chickens that give birth to double-yolk eggs have some physiological problems, and it is not recommended to eat double-yolk eggs. At the same time, in order to cater to the public's psychology, many businesses now use artificial methods to allow hens to lay double yolk eggs. In fact, it is not right to do so, because it will disrupt the normal development of hens and chicks. To sum up, this is why we usually don’t see 2 chicks hatch out of 1 egg, because even with double yolk eggs, most of them can only hatch 1 chick in the end. Give birth to twins. What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share your views with us!