While picking vegetables, my mother told me that my aunt's granddaughter recently had an operation in the Provincial Maternity and Children's Department. This little granddaughter was born to her daughter-in-law at an advanced age. She looks like a ten-year-old at the age of five

While picking vegetables, my mother told me that my aunt’s granddaughter recently had an operation in the Provincial Maternity and Children’s Department. This granddaughter was born to her daughter-in-law at an advanced age. She looks the same as a ten-year-old at the age of five, and her body develops in one year. Extremely fast.

I hurriedly said that I wanted to take a look. After all, my mother only had an older sister, and she gave it to someone else when she was young. Later, after her aunt got married, she gradually became associated with the family.

I didn’t expect that my aunt would come to my house with my cousin sister-in-law on that day, because my mother had sent me meals a few days ago to thank my parents. It turns out that Kou Kou was only four years old last year, and her body suddenly grew to 115 centimeters. At first, although the family felt that the child's height was growing too fast, they did not care. After all, her cousins ​​are not short in height, and now the child is well-nourished. Well, I think it’s normal for children to grow taller, but this year, Kou Kou’s voice became deeper, and her cousin always felt something was wrong, so she took her to the local hospital for a physical examination. Everything was normal. It was said that a child of four or five years old can grow taller. It's normal to be this high.

My cousin’s sister-in-law’s doubts were that it was not surprising that a four- or five-year-old child could grow so tall, but it was puzzling that the child’s voice suddenly changed. So, she clamored to take the child to a large hospital in the provincial capital for a check-up, but the family did not agree at first. But my cousin said that if I don’t figure it out, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

It was probably the mother's intuition. My cousin took the child to the Provincial Department of Maternity and Child Care. She was admitted to the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and found that Kou Kou had indeed developed ahead of schedule. The bone age had reached 11 years old. The reason for Kou Kou's early development was the kidneys. There is a cyst on my body.

The adrenal gland secretes more sex hormones, leading to precocious puberty. If surgery is not performed, it will affect fertility in the future and cause great physical or psychological distress. In severe cases, cardiovascular system diseases may occur.

's cousin said that the director of the doctor said that this operation was difficult because the location of the adrenal gland is densely packed with blood vessels. In addition, the child is small, so the abdominal space is naturally small. In the end, the tumor, which was larger than an adult's finger, was successfully removed. . Fortunately, it was benign and he would be discharged from the hospital in a few days.

I sighed after hearing this. If it were me, I would ignore the height of my children. Every parent hopes that their children will be taller with each generation, especially my children, because we are not very tall. The height gene is less dominant.

Children in the kindergarten near my home are after school, and some children will pass by our unit building. Looking at the height of those children,

they are not short. A friend's little girl is also three and a half years old, and her height is 108 centimeters.

Since I had children, my mother heard about other people’s children’s problems. After asking about the reasons, she would tell me the story seriously and ask me to pay more attention. Finally, she would add that raising children is a very important thing. Don't take it lightly.

In fact, there is an explosion of information on the Internet now, and everyone knows everything. But the mother has always cared about the baby's affairs, and always thinks that the baby's affairs are the biggest thing. I can only listen to it and accept it. Since then, I have done After becoming a mother, I can understand my mother's mood very well.