When a child is three years old, he will leave his home and enter a kindergarten to start a new life. Because the children in the small class of kindergarten have just entered the kindergarten, they are relatively new to the kindergarten and are not familiar with the life in the

What will a child face when he is three years old? When a child is three years old, he will leave his home and enter a kindergarten to start a new life. But will the child's transition be smooth? Not always.

Often at the beginning of school, the most tiring ones are the kindergarten teachers. Why do you say this way?

Because the children in the small class of kindergarten have just entered the kindergarten, they are relatively new to the kindergarten and are not familiar with the life in the kindergarten. They will cry and have a sense of fear and anxiety. Such children will cry for a while when they first enter kindergarten.

Of course, in addition to children having kindergarten entry anxiety, many parents also have separation anxiety . In a survey on "What are you most afraid of when your child goes to kindergarten?", mothers said what they are most worried about:

. When children go to kindergarten for the first time, will they look for their mother or cry? What should I do if I cry?

. Do children eat enough? What should I do if my child is a picky eater?

. Will the child drink water by himself? What to do if you are thirsty?

. What should I do if my child can’t go to the toilet on his own?

    . What should I do if my child doesn’t know how to get along with other children?


    I believe these problems trouble many new mothers, and they also troubled me at the time. At that time, I was very worried that my child would not be able to adapt to kindergarten life. Later, I did a lot of work to help my child successfully get through the separation anxiety period.

    In order to help my children get through the separation anxiety period smoothly, I have tried many methods and found many picture books. Finally, I feel that the picture book " I Love Kindergarten " is the most suitable for children who are in the separation anxiety period.

    We can use games, picture books, etc. to help children slowly adapt. Next, I will share the method with everyone. If you have children at home who are preparing to go to kindergarten, or children who have not yet adapted to kindergarten life, please take it away.

    • Positive psychological hints

    Before children prepare to go to kindergarten, we must give them positive psychological hints. At this time, we can often say to our children: "When the baby grows up, it's time to go to kindergarten. Just like mom and dad go to get off work on time every day."

    In addition, we must also make material preparations for our children. For example, take a family photo and put it in the child's schoolbag. When the child misses his parents, he can take out the photo and look at it. By the way, he can introduce the family photo to his good friends.

    Take your child to the supermarket to prepare a small quilt, a small pillow, and a change of clothes. When preparing a change of clothes, we try to choose some loose cotton clothes without zippers and accessories. This will make it easier for the child to put on and take off.

    But there are many children who think that we don’t want them by sending them to kindergarten. In the picture book "Mom, I'm Going to Kindergarten", the children raised questions: "Don't worry about me anymore."

    The book also explains: "No, children have to go to kindergarten when they reach a certain age. There are teachers who can sing, cute children, and a lot of fun toys."

    When the child sees this, I am still eager for kindergarten. If there is an open kindergarten near our home, we can also take our children to familiarize themselves with the kindergarten environment when school is over. In this way, children will look forward to kindergarten life even more.

    • Cultivate children's independent ability

    Children live at home with their parents or grandparents before they are three years old. Today’s families generally only have one or two children! Relatively speaking, parents dote on their children, so it is easy for children to not be able to use the toilet on their own when they are three years old.

    What will a child face when he is three years old? When a child is three years old, he will leave his home and enter a kindergarten to start a new life. But will the child's transition be smooth? Not always.

    Often at the beginning of school, the most tiring ones are the kindergarten teachers. Why do you say this way?

    Because the children in the small class of kindergarten have just entered the kindergarten, they are relatively new to the kindergarten and are not familiar with the life in the kindergarten. They will cry and have a sense of fear and anxiety. Such children will cry for a while when they first enter kindergarten.

    Of course, in addition to children having kindergarten entry anxiety, many parents also have separation anxiety . In a survey on "What are you most afraid of when your child goes to kindergarten?", mothers said what they are most worried about:

    . When children go to kindergarten for the first time, will they look for their mother or cry? What should I do if I cry?

    . Do children eat enough? What should I do if my child is a picky eater?

    . Will the child drink water by himself? What to do if you are thirsty?

    . What should I do if my child can’t go to the toilet on his own?

      . What should I do if my child doesn’t know how to get along with other children?


      I believe these problems trouble many new mothers, and they also troubled me at the time. At that time, I was very worried that my child would not be able to adapt to kindergarten life. Later, I did a lot of work to help my child successfully get through the separation anxiety period.

      In order to help my children get through the separation anxiety period smoothly, I have tried many methods and found many picture books. Finally, I feel that the picture book " I Love Kindergarten " is the most suitable for children who are in the separation anxiety period.

      We can use games, picture books, etc. to help children slowly adapt. Next, I will share the method with everyone. If you have children at home who are preparing to go to kindergarten, or children who have not yet adapted to kindergarten life, please take it away.

      • Positive psychological hints

      Before children prepare to go to kindergarten, we must give them positive psychological hints. At this time, we can often say to our children: "When the baby grows up, it's time to go to kindergarten. Just like mom and dad go to get off work on time every day."

      In addition, we must also make material preparations for our children. For example, take a family photo and put it in the child's schoolbag. When the child misses his parents, he can take out the photo and look at it. By the way, he can introduce the family photo to his good friends.

      Take your child to the supermarket to prepare a small quilt, a small pillow, and a change of clothes. When preparing a change of clothes, we try to choose some loose cotton clothes without zippers and accessories. This will make it easier for the child to put on and take off.

      But there are many children who think that we don’t want them by sending them to kindergarten. In the picture book "Mom, I'm Going to Kindergarten", the children raised questions: "Don't worry about me anymore."

      The book also explains: "No, children have to go to kindergarten when they reach a certain age. There are teachers who can sing, cute children, and a lot of fun toys."

      When the child sees this, I am still eager for kindergarten. If there is an open kindergarten near our home, we can also take our children to familiarize themselves with the kindergarten environment when school is over. In this way, children will look forward to kindergarten life even more.

      • Cultivate children's independent ability

      Children live at home with their parents or grandparents before they are three years old. Today’s families generally only have one or two children! Relatively speaking, parents dote on their children, so it is easy for children to not be able to use the toilet on their own when they are three years old.

      But the children are ready to go to kindergarten. In kindergarten, there are at least a dozen children in a class, and as many as twenty or thirty children. If all the children need to be held by the teacher to go to the toilet, I believe the teacher will be too busy at all.

      1. picture book guide

      In order for children to quickly integrate into kindergarten life, it is best to cultivate this ability in children before they go to kindergarten. Then at home, we must continue to actively guide: "If you want to pee or poop, you must tell your parents."

      in the picture book "Teacher, I need to go to the toilet" It was mentioned that the teacher asked the children who wanted to use the toilet at the end of get out of class. As a result, all the children who needed to use the toilet raised their hands to indicate that they wanted to go. Then the girls lined up on their own to go first, and then went to the boys.

      This invisibly guides children to boldly tell the teacher when they need to use the toilet. This kind of scene just fits the life of the kindergarten, allowing the children to familiarize themselves with the daily routine of the kindergarten in advance, become familiar with it, and dare to express their needs.

      . Role-playing games

      In addition to picture book guidance, we can also use role-playing games with children to interpret kindergarten life.

      Mom and dad can play the role of teachers, and children can naturally play the role of children. As much as possible, let the child take off and pull up his pants by himself when he goes to the toilet. When the child really can't do it, help.

      Through the guidance of picture books and teachers’ role-playing games, children’s independent ability will be improved to a certain extent.

      • Cultivate children's hands-on ability

      A six-year-old child next door is playing with toys while his grandma feeds him. Seeing this scene, I said too much: "You have to feed your child when he is so big." But my grandma yelled back: "Your child will have to be fed when he is this big in the future."

      I was really speechless when I heard this answer. Maybe this is the phenomenon of many elderly people raising children! If the child doesn't eat seriously, the old man will feed him directly for fear of starving.

      Since my child was over one year old and could hold a spoon by himself, I encouraged him to eat by himself. After he was not full, I would feed him a few mouthfuls.

      If a child needs to be fed by his family at home for a long time, then when he goes to kindergarten, he will also have to wait for the teacher to feed him. If the teacher is not available, maybe just feed a few mouthfuls. In order for children not to go hungry, it is best to cultivate their ability to do things on their own.

      • Popular science knowledge

      When children eat at home, many parents will cook according to their children's taste. But when it comes to kindergarten, the meals in the kindergarten may not always meet the children's eating habits.

      So at this time, we must provide children with popular science knowledge and tell them that every dish has unique nutrients. We should eat a little of each so that we can grow stronger and taller.

      mentioned in the picture book "Eat More, Grow Up" that "Only when we are not picky about food and have balanced nutrition can we grow strong. I am no longer the shortest child in the kindergarten."

      The set of picture books "I Love Kindergarten" includes a total of six themes. They are "I am the best in kindergarten", "You are my good friend", "Eat more and grow taller" and "Teacher, I want to go to school". "Toilet", "Mom, I want to go to kindergarten", "School is over, who will pick me up" are all closely related to children's kindergarten life.

      also popularizes science in the book. How should children make friends in the unfamiliar environment of kindergarten? How to integrate into collective life? How should parents cultivate their children's communication awareness and social skills?

      After school, it is also very particular whether we should pick up the child early or late. It will greatly affect the child's personality and the child's choice of kindergarten. Will.

      Before my children went to kindergarten, I not only exercised their independence and hands-on skills, but also often taught them about daily life in kindergarten. I also bought this set of picture books to accompany my children.

      When the child actually went to kindergarten, the child did not show any separation anxiety. And during the holidays, they often ask me: "Mom, when will I go to kindergarten? I want to go to kindergarten."

      If your child is preparing to go to kindergarten and is usually very clingy, in order to reduce separation anxiety and reduce the child's crying mood, I sincerely recommend that you try the above method and try this set of picture books. (The pictures in this article are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please inform us to delete them)

      Before my children went to kindergarten, I not only exercised their independence and hands-on skills, but also often taught them about daily life in kindergarten. I also bought this set of picture books to accompany my children.

      When the child actually went to kindergarten, the child did not show any separation anxiety. And during the holidays, they often ask me: "Mom, when will I go to kindergarten? I want to go to kindergarten."

      If your child is preparing to go to kindergarten and is usually very clingy, in order to reduce separation anxiety and reduce the child's crying mood, I sincerely recommend that you try the above method and try this set of picture books. (The pictures in this article are all from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please inform us to delete them)