With the improvement of people's living standards in our country, some parents have also purchased children's electric toothbrushes for their babies, children, and children. Are children's electric toothbrushes effective?

With the improvement of people's living standards in our country, some parents have also purchased children's electric toothbrushes for their babies, children, and children. Are children's electric toothbrushes effective? What are the advantages and disadvantages to children’s teeth? How to choose a children's electric toothbrush? These are some of the questions parents often send me private messages. As an oral personal care blogger with many years of practical experience, Li Xin uses this article to give you some common knowledge and purchasing tips about children's electric toothbrushes, hoping to help you make a scientific purchase.

The picture below shows some children’s electric toothbrush products that I have tested:

1. Are children’s electric toothbrushes effective? Is it good for children?

Let’s first take a look at the report below. The report pointed out that the tooth decay rate among children in my country is as high as 71%. Children’s oral health issues must attract the attention of parents (as shown below). Dentists generally believe that children over 4 years old should use electric toothbrushes to clean their mouths better and prevent tooth decay . Compared with ordinary manual toothbrushes, children's electric toothbrushes mainly have the following advantages:

Advantage 1: Stronger cleaning power and better prevention of tooth decay

Dental plaque is the primary factor causing tooth decay. Children's electric toothbrushes can effectively clean the areas where dental disease is most likely to occur, such as between the teeth, the backs of the teeth, the gingival sulcus, and the crown of the teeth, and can take care of every tooth. Compared with manual toothbrushes, children's electric toothbrushes are more effective in preventing tooth decay, caries and other dental diseases.

Advantage 2: The vibration frequency is uniform and stable, and the intensity is precise.

The vibration frequency of the children's electric toothbrush is uniform and stable, and the intensity can be precisely controlled. Children only need to move the angle of brushing to clean their teeth. It avoids the problem of the manual toothbrush being too strong or too weak, causing damage to the teeth, or being too weak to clean the teeth.

Advantage 3: Full of fun, increasing children’s motivation to brush their teeth

Many children’s electric toothbrushes have specially designed appearance and bright colors. Children like them very much, and many of them like brushing their teeth.

Advantage 4: Save time and effort, achieve the effect of more than ten minutes manually in 2 minutes

The time it takes to clean teeth with a manual toothbrush is too long for children. Often many children do not have the patience to persist. Children's electric toothbrushes can brush teeth in just two or three minutes, and they clean better than manual toothbrushes. They save time and effort and are loved by children.

Advantage 5: The threshold for brushing is low, and children can better master it.

Children are young and their grasp of hand strength is not as accurate as adults. The use of manual toothbrushes is difficult for children and difficult to use flexibly. However, children's electric toothbrushes are difficult to use. The toothbrush only needs to be fixed at a fixed angle, and the teeth can be brushed clean by gently moving and changing the angle, which is easier for children to master.

2. Are children’s electric toothbrushes harmful to teeth?

Are children’s electric toothbrushes effective? Although many dentists encourage their use, this does not mean that they can be purchased casually. As shown in the picture below, the rate of dental caries among children in my country is extremely high. In addition, children’s teeth and gums are immature and are very vulnerable to damage. Once a product that is not suitable for children is chosen or used incorrectly, it will cause tooth damage! Whether it is a manual or electric toothbrush, improper use or the use of inappropriate products can lead to tooth damage. If this is the case, what harm will children's electric toothbrushes cause to their teeth?

Tooth damage hazard 1: Teeth are worn

The working principle of a children's electric toothbrush is actually to use the high-frequency vibration generated by the motor inside the product to clean away the plaque attached to the teeth and gums and the food residue in the gaps between the teeth, thus achieve the purpose of cleaning. This kind of friction between the brush head and the teeth will cause a certain amount of tooth wear and damage to the enamel.

Tooth damage hazard 2: Teeth and gums are injured and bleed

Currently, there are some children’s products on the market under the banner of “Internet celebrity brands”. Many of them are designed with few types of brush heads, hard bristles, low rounding rate, and product use. Problems such as poor materials and narrow vibration frequency range. These products are not suitable for use by children. If these inappropriate products are used, it is likely to cause gum irritation, gum bleeding and other dental problems.

Tooth damage hazard 3: Unprofessional products cause chronic tooth damage

If children use unprofessional Internet celebrity products and low-price brands for a long time, not only will they not be able to achieve the effect of cleaning teeth, but they will cause chronic tooth damage! This kind of damage is accumulated over time, and adults and children will not notice it at first. It may not be discovered until after a period of use, but by this time it has often caused serious damage to the teeth, and usually this damage is irreversible!

3. Reveal the five bad gimmicks, these five categories should not be bought!

Are children’s electric toothbrushes effective? Although electric toothbrushes have many benefits, there are also risks of tooth damage. There are countless brands of children's electric toothbrushes on the market today. We must pay attention to the dangers of tooth damage mentioned above and not be misled by the so-called "Internet celebrity brands". Here, I have summarized some five major categories of "gimmick" products that cannot be bought on the market. Parents should pay special attention to them and avoid falling into traps!

Type 1: Exaggerated propaganda.

Exaggerated propaganda is everywhere. Many electric toothbrush merchants have gimmick concepts such as quick whitening and quick removal of dental calculus , which have attracted countless confused users to buy it. But can it really be done? After you try it out, you find that the merchant’s after-sales policy is no returns after opening the package!

Type 2: Narrow vibration frequency range

Many products have very narrow vibration frequencies and only one or two gears. Such products are very unscientific in form and have particularly low adaptability. They cannot adapt to children of different ages, but they are only suitable for children of different ages. The advertisement stated that it was suitable for children aged 3-15 years old, which resulted in a large number of children injuring their teeth by using products that were not suitable for them.

Type 3: Single type of brush head

Children's oral environment changes with age. Nowadays, many businesses claim that their products are suitable for children aged 3-15 years old, but the brush heads are of a single type (as shown below) with only one or two modes, which cannot adapt to the rapidly developing oral cavity of children. Parents should keep their eyes open and not be tricked.

Type 4: Adult electric toothbrushes are sold in re-shelled form

. Adult electric toothbrushes are re-shelled and sold to children in a different appearance. Many electric toothbrush brands, including some well-known brands, directly re-sell adult electric toothbrushes in a different appearance to children in order to save costs, causing injuries. The tooth rate is extremely high!

Type 5: Brush head with low rounding rate

Brush heads with a rounding rate lower than 80% will cause damage to children's teeth and gums. Some products on the market have a lot of frayed bristles on their brush heads. The bristles are of very poor quality, and the bristles have a very low rounding rate, causing high wear on the teeth.

Many parents are worried about buying products that hurt their children’s teeth, but there are so many brands on the market. Parents need to be extra vigilant. Many brands are clearly harmful to teeth, but they claim that they do not hurt teeth! How can you tell who doesn’t hurt his teeth? It is recommended that you refer to the analysis and summary of the cleaning power and tooth protection index statistics of children's toothbrushes released by authoritative organizations (as shown below), and recommend products that are excellent in all aspects:

Among the large number of children's electric toothbrush brands that have been evaluated in the past, I I think Feile VIIV is the with the best overall performance and professional adjustment.The only professional gum and tooth care brand in China, it is hailed by the media as a children's electric toothbrush with high error tolerance. Even if children brush their teeth incorrectly, it will not hurt their teeth! Their children’s electric brush reduces friction damage by 90% with efficient cleaning! They are the first to create "six-type segmented care" for different stages of children . The vibration frequency and power span are very large and can be compatible with different stages of children. They create a variety of brush heads to match different stages of children's teeth, especially the unique ten-thousand-hair soft brush. The brush head is extremely safe and does not hurt your teeth! They have also made technical adjustments for many years on more than 100 parameters such as vibration frequency, power, swing , and bristles. The deviation value of each adjustment index within 3-5 years is not higher than 0.1%, and it is targeted at chronic injuries that are not easy to detect. Teeth have been specially optimized. It never advertises but is highly recommended by many dentists. As a frequent visitor to many quality lists, compared to many brands that compete for good looks and lower prices, I highly recognize its rational, focused, and single-minded brand characteristics that treat electric toothbrushes as rigorous medical research and development!

In addition, Philips is okay. The overall vibration and power are strong, and the swing angle is also large. As a European and American brand, it is specially designed for the teeth of European and American people. It is slightly less compatible with domestic complex dental features and may cause tooth damage.

If you are pursuing cost-effectiveness, you can look at Bayer and Shuke among low-priced products. The basic configuration parameters and functions are passable, but the quality and performance are quite satisfactory and cannot be compared with professional ones. One-year warranty, brush head About 20 yuan a piece.

Both Philips and Feile have a rare 2-year warranty, and Feile provides a 7-day trial. In addition, Philips' brush head is more expensive, costing about 150 yuan a year. Feile recently gave away a five-year warranty for a limited time.

4. How to avoid the harm of tooth damage? 7 must-read rules

Are children’s electric toothbrushes effective? In the previous article, I have helped you popularize the benefits of using children's electric toothbrushes for children, as well as the dangers of tooth damage and several types of products that are not recommended to be purchased. Here are 7 rules that parents are concerned about on how to avoid the harm of tooth damage:

Rules 1. The battery life should be good and it should be durable.

Due to the size of children's electric toothbrushes, the battery life of children's electric toothbrushes is far less than that of adult electric toothbrushes. However, when we choose, we should also pay attention to choosing an electric toothbrush with a longer battery life, which will save a lot. Things, battery life is particularly important!

Rule 2. The brush head and the size of the brush head are very important.

The requirements for professional toothbrush bristles are that the height of the bristles should be basically the same as the teeth; about the same length as the width of 2-3 teeth; and the width of the bristles should be 3-4 bundles. The brush head is small and flexible, and can be rotated 360 degrees when placed in the mouth, making children's teeth brushing more effective.

Rule 3. Try to choose a magnetic levitation motor.

The quality of the motor of a children's electric toothbrush is determined by the quality of the movement. We should try our best to choose magnetic levitation motors, which have smaller transmission losses, more uniform and stable vibrations, and better quality and lifespan. Many very cheap children's electric toothbrushes on the market use inferior motors with eccentric wheels, which vibrate at high and low frequencies, which can easily damage teeth.

Rule 4. Give priority to sonic toothbrushes.

The vibration principle of children's electric toothbrushes has two types of sonic vibration and rotational vibration. The rotational vibration is relatively noisy and has a relatively high rate of tooth damage. It is not very suitable for the oral environment of our people. The cleaning ability of sonic toothbrushes is no less than that of rotary toothbrushes, but it protects the oral environment better, so we try to choose sonic electric toothbrushes.

Rule 5. The bristle rounding rate is very important.

The rounding rate of the bristles determines whether the children's electric toothbrush protects teeth. The rounding rate refers to the rounding treatment of the tips of the toothbrush bristles. The lower the rounding rate of the bristles, the easier it is to damage the teeth. The rounding rate of children's toothbrush bristles is required to be higher than 80%; toothbrush bristles with a high rounding rate are more protective of teeth.

Rule 6. The number of brush heads should be large and can be replaced.

The lifespan of a brush head is generally 2-4 months. After being used for a period of time, the bristles will become forked and rough, and it is also very easy to wear the teeth and gums. Parents should remember to replace them in time for their children.

Rule 7. Choose bristles with moderate hardness and softness.

are generally divided into several levels: extremely soft, soft, moderate, hard, hard, etc. Parents should choose and buy according to the age group of their children. Younger children mainly use softer bristles. As the age increases, older teenagers can use moderate and hard bristles, but if there are no special problems in the oral environment, it is not recommended to use soft or very hard bristles.

Are children’s electric toothbrushes effective? The answer is it definitely works. Children's electric toothbrushes can more effectively clean plaque and prevent dental caries, and they are more convenient for children to use, with zero threshold for use. Professional dentists recommend that children over 4 years old should use children's electric toothbrushes. But be sure to avoid choosing unqualified and unprofessional products, especially those gimmicky products mentioned in the text, which are very harmful to the oral cavity of babies, children and children. When choosing, be sure to choose a more professional brand to better protect your children’s oral health.