☻Hello everyone, I am Tomato Mom, a senior family education instructor! There has never been a TV series that is so close to the real life of mothers and covers almost all types of families. "Come on!" "Mom", as you can tell from the title, the father in this drama must be unreli

Hello everyone, I am a senior family education instructor tomato mother!

There has never been a TV series that is so close to a mother's real life and covers almost all types of families. 《 Come on! Mom ", as you can see from the title, the father in this drama must be unreliable , otherwise why would the mother still need to continue to work hard?

This popular drama has also attracted me recently. I have watched dozens of episodes in one breath. The children of five families are in the critical period of transition from kindergarten to junior high school. At this time, mothers’ anxiety and are involved in and the cold war is reflected. The story is vivid and vivid, and the various unreliable behaviors of fathers make people even more "very angry". Although the plot is a bit exaggerated, it can still find shadows of reality. If you have children at home, it is really recommended to take a look. It can help us understand whether we are qualified to be parents.

Some people say that different mothers shape different children, but I think that no matter which family the child is growing up in, the responsibility of the father cannot be shied away from. If there is a bad father, no matter how hard the mother tries to cheer her up, the child will inevitably be affected.

◉ The father of "fraudulent parenting" raised an out-of-control child

"Su Qing" fits the personality of all heroines. She has a high IQ and strong ability, and is a strong woman in family and career. But unfortunately, because she is so capable, her husband Li Xiuping has become a person who is indifferent to his family. As a result, both children encountered some problems in their growth. The eldest son was rebellious and the younger son was submissive.

There are probably many families like this in our real life. When a woman can go out to make money and go home to take care of the children and housework in an orderly manner, men become the hands-off shopkeepers . "Men take care of the outside world and women take care of the house" is the life pattern of many families, but staying in this pattern for a long time is not good for children.

Su Qing bears the pressure of her family alone. She is also a normal woman who has the anxiety of raising children. When there is no one to share her anxiety, she can only keep putting pressure on . Finally, In the end, the two children bore everything.

His husband just ignores the child for a while, but beats and scolds the child whenever he takes care of it. He always says that the eldest son is rebellious, but he doesn't know that it is his "powerful suppression" and indifference that make the child feel insecure. He didn't know how to reflect, and blamed his mother for doting on her child. This was simply "charlatan parenting". If there is such a father in reality, you should reflect on it carefully.

The two boys in his family actually need more guidance from their father. Dad is responsible for teaching them to be strong and brave. But Su Qing's husband is a failed example. He is unfaithful to his wife and indifferent to his children, which will only exacerbate family conflicts.

In the end, if Su Qing hadn't made changes and adjusted herself in time, I'm afraid the two children's personalities would have continued to be "distorted". No matter how much money they made, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to make up for the damage to the children's souls.

◉The father of "Mama's Boy" made his child suffer from gender cognitive disorder

He Xiaohan is a beautiful full-time mother. She married her husband Tian Siyang and lived a good life with no worries about food and clothing. However, her husband simply cannot afford the responsibilities of being a husband and father. The strong mother-in-law decides everything in the family.

The children are imitating all the time. The mother is living a miserable life, the father is a mama’s boy, and the daughter is also catering to her grandma’s thoughts subconsciously.She very much hoped that she could be a boy. In the end, due to the child's various strange behaviors, the doctor diagnosed her with gender cognitive disorder.

If a father can stand up, speak for his wife and daughter, and be their armor, then both the children and the mother can have a free and relaxed living environment, how could this happen?

◉The father who dotes on his children makes his daughter suffer from "princess disease" and her emotional intelligence is almost zero.

Isabel's mother is from a wealthy family, and her father, Feng Daocheng, is a typical Phoenix man who only obeys his wife and dotes on his daughter infinitely. Due to her mother's pampering and her father's compromise, Isabel became unruly and willful, and her emotional intelligence was worrying.

If this child has been living in such a greenhouse, she will be a flower that has not experienced wind and rain, and will wither as soon as it sees the sun. Fortunately, there were changes in the family later, and both the mother and the child gradually got rid of the "princess disease". Otherwise, the real child would suffer a lot when he grows up.

Putting aside the plot, children in today's life need the care of their parents, but sometimes they need to grow up on their own. Although difficulties will increase as they grow up, these experiences will become a lifelong asset for children.

◉The father who sacrificed himself to achieve the success of his daughter raised a child who was not happy at all.

The father of the little girl Yueyue seems to be very reliable. He is a programmer , and has the unique qualities of a programmer. For example, is particularly diligent. hopes to do his best to achieve his daughter's future. But the father's spirit of self-sacrifice put a lot of pressure on his daughter.

The family lives in a borrowed mansion . Her daughter even had her butt "touched" by others and did not dare to tell who did it. She wanted to bear the responsibility alone and did not want to embarrass her parents.

When we say whether to be raised poor or rich, it should be decided based on one's actual family conditions. Parents have made too many sacrifices, which brings guilt and self-blame to their children.

Children will also be under greater pressure. Children strive to achieve adult goals and constantly suppress themselves, which often deviates from the right direction.

◉Xiaoyang does not have a father, but is raised well by her mother.

Xiaoyang in the play is the child of a single mother. He has never seen his father since he was born. Mom Zhou Nannan’s life was very difficult, but she was an optimistic and strong woman. She never complained about the unfairness of fate and accepted everything that life gave her. Like her mother, her children grew up to be sensible, upright, and kind in the difficult situation. Very cute child. I think, is this a satirical directed by the director towards fathers?

Without a father, the mother will of course have to put in more effort, but it will also have a certain impact on the child's psychological growth. When parents are together, they cannot let their children become victims of "widowed" parenting.

People say that "a good woman will last three generations." This is true, but would it be more advantageous if the woman had a good father or a good husband? This is really a question worth thinking about. Come on

! Mom, there will be many difficulties and setbacks on the road to parenting. You need to work hard on your own, and you also need to have the best partner to cultivate an excellent child. Dad must also be an excellent educator.

✿Slogan: Learning may not necessarily allow parents to cultivate excellent children, but without learning, parents will not be able to cultivate excellent children. I hope every parent can become a learning parent!