Sheep born in 1991 is 31 years old this year. She got married at the age of 29 on May 1, 2020. It’s not very early, it may be a bit late. Been in love since 2016. I always feel that I am still a child, still very young, but it seems that I am not really that young anymore, and I

html Sheep of the year 091 is 31 years old this year. She got married at the age of 29 on May 1, 2020. It’s not very early, it may be a bit late. Been in love since 2016. I always feel that I am still a child, still very young, but it seems that I am not really that young anymore, and I don’t think of myself as an adult yet.

Just this year, I had a little person in my belly. I feel completely different. I feel more responsible for eating, drinking, sleeping and dressing. Of course, I did suffer a little during the first three months of pregnancy, but luckily, everything came through. Now I am in the second trimester of , , and there is no discomfort. I eat deliciously. Of course, I have gained weight, and I have recently strengthened my pregnancy exercise program. , Mom doesn’t want to grow super fat [I want to be quiet] The latest pregnancy test B-ultrasound showed that the fetus is a week too small. The doctor asked me to go back to strengthen nutrition. I hope the baby in my belly will grow up healthily. Mom and Dad are looking forward to you. The arrival of the baby,

colleagues all said that you must develop the habit of taking a nap during pregnancy. After the child is born, the body will be in good health and the immunity will be strong. I am also trying to develop a nap habit, although sometimes I really can’t fall asleep. I often go to bed at 11:00 or even later. Sleep quality has always been a problem for me.