Persistence and hard work will eventually pay off. 1 When it was almost summer, I was considering whether to tie her pigtails or cut them short. Later, for the sake of beauty, I tied her pigtails every day. At first, I tied her hair into a sky-high braid, because the child did no

Perseverance in hard work will eventually pay off.

1 When it was almost summer, I was considering whether to tie her pigtails or cut them short. Later, for the sake of beauty, I tied her pigtails every day. At first, she had a braid with an upturned head, because she was a child. She was not used to it, so you pricked her and pulled it out, many times a day. After many days, the baby has given in to me tying her hair on her head. Now when she goes out to play every day, I tie her hair before going out, and she will do the same. She sat down on the stool very cooperatively.

2 Because the baby was young, she had to wear a diaper every day. In spring, she started to exercise without wearing it for a short while every day. At first, the child was not used to it. When she was asked to squat down to urinate, she He is unwilling to squat, and even if he squats down, he will not urinate, and then he wets his pants after a while. He brings spare pants and diapers when he goes out to play every day. After a period of time, the child can squat down to urinate by himself every day outside without peeing. But I can't do it at home. I have a small toilet for babies, so I wear a wet diaper at home and don't wear it when I go out. This has been going on for a while, and my baby no longer wets his pants at home or outside, and he will do it in a timely manner at home. The small toilet solves the problem

Some people may say, why are you posting this? Why are you posting about such a small thing? You may have never raised a child and feel that what I say is nonsense. Those who have raised a child will understand one thing. It has to be repeated many, many times, for many, many days, in order to achieve success. As for the two things I mentioned, many mothers have experienced them. I will not talk about all the sadness. I am not here to complain. I just want to say that these two things about my child are the most important things for me in the past month or two. Now that I have done it and my child has done it, I feel very accomplished and want to encourage anyone, no matter what happens. , you must persist, work hard and never give up.