Other people's children are growing all the time, but your own children are growing less than two centimeters a year? Many parents are anxious when their children are short. As the saying goes, spring grows and summer grows. In summer, the human body's metabolism becomes more vig

Other people’s children are growing slowly, but your own children are growing less than two centimeters a year? Many parents are anxious when their children are short. As the saying goes, spring grows and summer grows. In summer, the human body's metabolism becomes more vigorous, the absorption and utilization of nutrients are enhanced, and bone development also enters a rapid period. Summer is the golden period for children to grow taller. If parents help their growth correctly, their children will be able to grow taller. There is 8-15cm of rising space.

However, many parents are concerned and confused. They blindly believe in some height-increasing methods promoted on the Internet. Not only do they spend a lot of money, but their children also do not grow taller. A good example is below.

“Last summer, in order to increase the height of my 9-year-old son, I signed up for a popular height-increasing exercise class on the Internet. I also bought the height-increasing drug recommended by the height-increasing agency. I ran, played basketball, and swam every day.... The child was doing it every day. My whole body hurts, but after two months of hard work, my son is only 136cm tall, and has only grown 2cm in one year. He also has precocious puberty such as muscular development, a thicker voice, and a beard." Liu lives in Yuzhong District, Chongqing. The lady said that her son is 10 years old this year and she must seize the time to make him grow taller.

Therefore, when parents discover abnormal height development in their children, it is best for parents to go to a regular hospital for consultation and treatment. Do not trust the height-increasing products advertised on the market, otherwise you will only miss the golden period of height intervention for your child!

Summer is the golden period for height growth. In addition to going to the hospital for scientific intervention, parents can also start from daily life to help their children grow taller.

1. Balanced nutrition

One egg, one tael of lean meat, and 500 ml of milk every day, the nutrition is not backward. Children are in the golden period of height development, so nutrition must be kept up. Let children eat less fried food and more fruits and vegetables.

2. Ensure good sleep

Go to bed early and get up early, regulate children's work and rest time, go to bed before 23:00 every day, do not let children stay up late, drink a glass of milk before going to bed to improve sleep quality.

3. Exercise

Common sports such as basketball, volleyball, and football can effectively stimulate the growth and development of bones, but exercise time should not be too long or too frequent, otherwise it is easy to damage the bones.

In short, parents should pay more attention to their children's height development and strive to create a good growth environment for their children so that they can grow up healthily and happily!