Every parent hopes that their child will become a smart baby, but they don't know how to promote intelligence. Fine movements play a great role in promoting children's intellectual development.

Every parent hopes that their children can become smart babies, but they don't know how to promote intelligence. Fine movements play a great role in promoting children's intellectual development.

In order to solve the confusion of parents and help parents of Mejim members to further scientific parenting and cultivate smart and handy children, Mejim invited Dr. Jiang Jingxiong, deputy director of the Early Childhood Development Committee of the China Eugenics and Eugenics Association and a child health expert. Bringing essential courses on child health to parents.

(Note: The picture comes from Dr. Jiang Jingxiong)

Dr. Jiang popularized knowledge for parents from three aspects: the importance of fine motor development, fine motor development standards, and fine motor promotion methods. Dr. Jiang combines his more than 30 years of experience in child health care to recommend suitable fine motor training methods for parents from 0 to 6 years old, so as to cultivate children's fine motor abilities from an early age and help Meiji member families establish a good parent-child relationship.

(Note: The picture comes from the poster of Meiji’s Scientific Parenting Lecture Hall)

Dr. Jiang said that the cultivation of fine motor skills needs to be gradual, from low-level to advanced, not too utilitarian, focusing on all-round development, and at the same time, it requires a combination of daily family environment and institutional training, from From a professional perspective, based on the baby's interests and tolerance.

Mejim effectively combines parental companionship with institutional training. Through interesting games, a way that children are willing to accept, it exercises children's fine movements. At the same time, in a non-competitive environment, without making horizontal comparisons with other children, it creates a good environment for children. A positive and relaxed atmosphere helps children build good self-esteem and confidence.

(Note: The picture comes from the real shot of Meiji classroom)

I believe that under the professional guidance of Meiji, every parent can gain something on the road of parenting. Mejim sincerely hopes that every baby can grow into a more "ingenious" child under the careful care of parents and mothers, making full use of acquired promotion methods.

(contributed works)