There are various small animals and colorful toys hanging above most cribs so that children can reach out. Therein lies the secret of "smartness"! Whether rich and colorful life experiences can cause changes in brain morphology, hundreds of years It has been a project that scient

Various small animals and colorful toys are hung above most cribs for children to reach out. Therein lies the secret of "smartness"!

Can rich and colorful life experiences cause changes in brain morphology? It has been a research project of scientists for hundreds of years.

In experiments with animals as subjects, researchers found that the brains of trained animals were more complex and flexible, with more folds and sulci in terms of structural characteristics.

The brains of animals that live in rich environments differ in many ways from those of animals that grow in dull environments.

For example, the cerebral cortex is thicker, the brain is heavier, and the "acetylcholine" enzyme in the nervous system is more active.

It can be seen that the brain structure and its chemical composition can be changed by life experiences and life experiences.

Through the human anatomy of people who died of natural causes, it was found that when a person has more skills and abilities, his or her brain does become more complex and heavier, which is similar to the research on animals.

On the other hand, "ordinary people" have fewer sulci and thinner cortexes in their brains. People with certain physiological defects, such as blind people, have obvious signs of underdevelopment of their brains.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide children with a richer growth environment as much as possible, so that they can receive a variety of specific stimulations, which can promote physical and mental health and improve concentration and thinking skills.

and can play a positive role in enhancing memory, reducing depression and accelerating recovery from trauma and illness.

Inspired by this research, how can we make children smarter?

Nutritional balance, adequate sleep

Fish, shrimp, crab, milk, eggs, lean meat, nuts and other foods are rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids , lecithin needed for brain development.

Intake of more of these foods can help children become smarter.

At the same time, we should pay attention to supplementing vitamins and minerals. These two nutrients are beneficial to the development of the nervous system.

It is equally important to ensure adequate sleep. Sufficient sleep can allow the brain to function normally and maintain considerable flexibility.

Chat with infants and young children

Before learning to speak, children must go through a listening period of language development.

At this stage, the brain needs to input enough "speech information" in order to well grasp the laws of human pronunciation and promote the good development of language ability.

Don’t think that your child is too young to understand. In fact, he (she) can understand many of the words his or her mother says, and imitates them quietly, becoming more and more intelligent through imitation.

Provide sufficient sense of security

Companionship and caressing are the best care.

A child's sense of security before the age of three mainly comes from the mother. Children who lack a sense of security in infancy will basically develop various psychological problems in the future.

They are prone to self-denial, and their happiness in adulthood is also relatively poor.

insists on breastfeeding and insists that the mother mainly takes care of the child during infancy, which is conducive to the establishment of a sense of security for the child.

Get in touch with numbers and words as early as possible

Count candies with your child, read to him or her the text on the billboard, and try to teach simple addition and subtraction...

Use every opportunity to establish the concept of number for your child as early as possible and help him or her understand it. More words will be of great benefit to the development of his or her brain.

Play with educational toys and play educational games

Buy more educational toys for your children, such as building blocks, Rubik's cubes, tangrams, puzzles, etc., and often play educational games with your children.

This can not only exercise the child's concentration, observation, thinking ability, and memory, but also reduce the time he or she spends watching TV and playing on mobile phones.

Cultivate the habit of reading

Many experiences and experiences cannot be obtained by individuals personally, but through reading, you can make others' experiences and experiences your own.

Reading can broaden children's horizons and increase their wisdom; reading can make people clear-minded, elegant, profound and open-minded.

When your child is illiterate before going to elementary school, you should insist on reading stories to him or her every day.

Listening to stories is also a kind of reading.

Encourage exploration of the outside world and satisfy curiosity

When a child shows strong curiosity about an item or thing and starts exploring it, do not interrupt him or her even if it is destructive, and do it for him or her. It provides better exploration conditions.

During exploration, children will learn a lot of experiences, satisfy their curiosity, and their intelligence will become higher and higher.

Let your children play with their partners more often.

Only by interacting with their peers can children develop excellent communication skills.

Interactions between children are the earliest form of social interaction.

By participating in more social interactions, you can not only accumulate enough social experience, but also develop your adaptability so that you can cope with challenges and difficulties with ease when you grow up.

Cultivate a variety of interests and hobbies

At different times, enroll your child in different interest classes to cultivate his or her various interests and hobbies

Each interest and hobby corresponds to different abilities. The broader your interests and hobbies, the more types of abilities you have, and the stronger your comprehensive ability will be.

Sports make people smarter

Children who like sports are smarter. We should guide children to participate in more sports activities.

"Those with well-developed limbs and simple minds." is an old prejudice!

Through the high school entrance examination results in recent years, we found that children with high overall scores have very good sports scores, almost all of them have perfect scores.

Children who do poorly in physical education are basically poor students whose overall scores are very low.

Scientific research shows that physical exercise will increase the size of the brain, make the brain heavier, and promote the birth of new nerve cells.

Exercise can stimulate the body to synthesize more serotonin and dopamine , which are chemicals that determine people's happy emotions.

A child who exercises regularly has good health, good mood, is in a very harmonious state physically and mentally, grows and develops well, and will naturally become a smart person!

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