When old people take care of their children, they often have some "mysterious and mysterious" sayings. For example, you cannot take your baby out at night, otherwise you will see "dirty" things, which may cause "evil"! However, most young mothers in modern times have received "ma

When old people take care of their children, they often have some "mysterious and mysterious" sayings.

For example, you can’t take your baby out at night, otherwise you will see “dirty” things and may be “attacked by evil spirits”!

However, most young mothers in modern times have received "materialist education" since childhood, and most of them will not take this "superstitious" statement to heart.

However, although similar superstitious statements are indeed nonsense, children should not be taken out at night, and there is a certain scientific basis behind it. Parents must be careful.

Babies have poor resistance and are prone to getting sick when going out at night.

Babies' various body functions are not fully developed, and their body temperature regulation ability is far inferior to that of adults. The temperature drops at night, making babies more likely to get sick.

Especially in summer, the high temperature may be 30 several degrees during the day, but only 20 degrees at night. In this case, the baby cannot adapt to the ambient temperature in time and is very easy to catch cold.

Once my cousin's family went on a trip. The weather in July and August was too hot. After dinner in the evening, the couple took their children to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze and take a walk.

Although it was very comfortable at the time, the child developed a high fever the next day. After rushing to the hospital, the doctor said that the child's resistance was already relatively weak, and the temperature at the beach at night was very low and the humidity was high. , children are prone to getting sick.

Although the temperature difference between day and night in inland areas is relatively small, the air humidity at night is high and many bacteria will breed in the air. Parents should pay more attention and try to avoid taking their children out at night.

If you have to take your baby out at night under special circumstances, it is best to wear a thicker coat and take windproof measures. Even in summer, you must do a good job of keeping warm.

Safety is low at night and danger is prone to occur.

Visibility is poor at night and when the line of sight is limited, even adults are prone to danger, not to mention children who like to jump around. If they are not careful, they are prone to collisions. .

In particular, some children have weak safety awareness and like to make noises on the road. When driving at night, the driver's vision is not good, and traffic accidents are likely to occur if the driver fails to react in time, with disastrous consequences.

The pace of life in modern society is fast. Some parents may be busy with work during the day and would like to take their children out to supermarkets and parks at night. However, it must be said that it is not suitable to take children out at night. We can choose to accompany our children at home. Play some parent-child games, or try to do some outdoor activities in a relatively safe environment downstairs.

If you want to take your baby out, you can choose to go out on weekends or during the day during holidays. At this time, the external environment is safer and the child will be more energetic and have a better experience than at night.

Babies are easily frightened when going out at night

British thinker Del once said: "People have never gotten rid of the fear of the dark."

If the child is older and more accustomed to the dark, he may be fine when going out at night, but for Younger children, especially infants and young children, will be very uncomfortable with the night environment.

Even if they are accompanied by their parents, because they cannot see their mother's face clearly, the surrounding buildings, sudden sounds, wild cats wild dogs suddenly jumping out, etc., will challenge the children's "psychological limits" and make them suffer. Be frightened, become anxious, wake up easily at night, and have nightmares.

Therefore, if we take our children out at night, we should try to choose a brighter place to give our children a stronger sense of security.

And it should be noted that when we find that a child feels scared or timid, we must give him comfort in time to prevent the child from being frightened and fearing the night.

Going out at night is not conducive to the baby's sleep.

Night should be a time to recuperate and sleep peacefully. If we take the baby out, it is easy to make it over-excited. After returning home, the child's spirit will be in a state of insecurity for a long time. In a state of excitement, it is difficult to fall asleep on time, and the quality of sleep will also be affected.

The growth hormone that promotes the baby's physical development will reach its peak at 10 o'clock at night and 2 in the morning. If the baby is not in the deep sleep state, it will affect the normal secretion of growth hormone and cause adverse effects on physical development. Influence.

Therefore, it is best not to let children have too strenuous activities before going to bed, and try to help children fall asleep faster and establish good sleep habits.

If you want to spend parent-child time with your children at night, you can choose to read short stories, read picture books, listen to some soothing music with them, etc., which can not only help the children fall asleep as quickly as possible, but also promote the parent-child relationship.


For the safety of our children, it is best to avoid taking our children out at night.

The best way to accompany your children is actually to sit in bed with your children, read a book comfortably for a while, read them some short stories, and help them fall asleep easily and happily.

Today’s topic: Will you take your baby out at night?