1 Psychologists Bruner and Sherva once conducted such an experiment: they asked children aged 3 to 5 to pick up a piece of chalk. The chalk is in a box out of reach of children and requires tools to get it out. The experiment was conducted in three groups - the first group of chi

Psychologists Bruner and Sherva once conducted such an experiment:

They asked children aged 3 to 5 to take a piece of chalk.

The chalk is placed in a box out of reach of children and requires tools to take it out.

The experiment was conducted in three groups -

  • The first group of children saw an adult demonstrate the entire process of taking out the chalk with the help of tools.
  • The second group of children watched an adult demonstrate part of the process of taking out the chalk with the help of a tool.
  • The children in the third group did not see any demonstration process, but played with the tools to take out the chalk during the game.

The results found that children who played games completed better than children in other groups. This experiment of

proves that can promote children's problem-solving ability through free exploration and discovery through games.

html Children aged 3 to 6 years old are in a special period of growth. Compared with sitting quietly in the classroom, playing games can help them learn new knowledge.

Child psychologist Piaget once proposed the educational concept of " learning by playing, learning by playing ". He believed that combining play and learning can improve children's learning efficiency, cultivate children's interest in learning, and promote children's Learning and development.

Many psychologists have also done a lot of research in the field of children's games.

's theory about children's games has gone through a long history of evolution.

In the classic game theory , Schiller and Spencer believe that games arise from the need to vent the remaining energy in the body.

Lazarus believes that games are not a way to vent energy, but a way to relax and restore energy.

Hall believes that games are a reenactment of the life characteristics of human ancestors in ancient times in children.

Gross believes that children's games are unintentional preparations for future life and preparatory exercises for maturity.

In the game theory of the psychoanalytic school, Freud believes that games are the catharsis of children's hostility or revenge and follow the "pleasure principle" of pursuing happiness and venting dissatisfaction. The period during which children freely express their wishes through play is short-lived.

In the game theory of the cognitive development school, Piaget regarded games as an aspect of intellectual activities.

In the game theory of the socio-cultural and historical school, Vygotsky believed that games can promote the development of children's thinking. Games create a child's zone of proximal development, where children can better understand the rules.

Leonjiev believes that games are the dominant activity for preschool children. It is characterized by focusing on the behavioral process itself.

Eric Corning believes that role play is a typical game for preschool children and plays a role in the formation of children's personality.


After reading so many research theories, it is not difficult to find that games are so important to the growth of children.

games are full of fun, which not only attracts children's curiosity and attention, but also promotes the development of children's various abilities, especially in the following aspects.

1. Promote children's physical development

Children are often in motion while playing games, which can exercise their muscle ability and body coordination.

For example, when playing the games of "Police Catch Thief" and "Eagle Catching Chicken", children can exercise their respiratory and circulatory systems by running;

When playing the game of "Sandbag Throwing", children can exercise their throwing, jumping, and hand-eye coordination. , Hand and foot coordination ability;

When flying a kite, it can protect the child's cervical vertebra , slow down visual fatigue, and cultivate the child's balance ability with eyes closed...

2. Promote the development of children's language ability

Children's ability to play games During the process, you often need to communicate with others, which can promote the development of language skills.

, especially some language games, can improve children's communication and expression skills.

For example, the "Word Solitaire" game can expand children's vocabulary;

"Tongue Twister" game can exercise children's pronunciation skills and make children pronounce words more clearly;

" Story Solitaire " game can cultivate children's expression Ability and imagination...

3. Promote the social development of children

During the game, children can develop their own social abilities by cooperating with other children.

For example, in the game " play house ", through role play, children learn how to live in harmony with others.

There was a little girl who played the role of mother while playing "playing house".

During the game, she found that when she spoke to her friends in a friendly manner, they would give positive feedback.

Through reflection, she also began to treat others kindly in her daily life, making her relationship with others more harmonious.

4. Promote the development of children's creative thinking

During the game, children can give full play to their imagination and create unique works.

For example, when playing with building blocks, children can mix and match them at will to create different shapes;

When playing with sand, children can draw various textures on the sand and add water to form various shapes;

When painting, children can use Paints of various materials can be used to create paintings full of childlike interest;

When doing handicrafts, children can use different items to create novel crafts...

These are all unique "arts" created by children. "Quality" expresses the child's rich inner world.


written at the end

The nature of children determines that they prefer to acquire knowledge through games.

For them, playthings will not depress them, but will make them grow.

As parents, in the process of raising children, you can play more interactive games with your children.

This can not only enhance the parent-child relationship, but also promote the development of children's various abilities and help children grow better.