Source: Kenli District Rong Media Center Kenli District Rong Media Center News In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, pay tribute to the party’s century-old glory, and cultivate children’s emotions of loving the motherland, lo

Source: Kenli District Rong Media Center

Kenli District Rong Media Center News In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, pay tribute to the party’s century-old glory, and cultivate children’s emotions of loving the motherland, loving hometown, and supporting the Communist Party, on July 1, Jinxia Xincheng Kindergarten in Kenli District launched a series of activities to celebrate July 1st, "Children's heart is devoted to the Party and welcoming July 1st".

The red gene will be passed down forever, and the innocence of children will bless the Party and praise the Party’s kindness. Teachers use the red cultural theme education of knowing the party and loving the party, telling red stories to children, and finger chanting "The name is China" to publicize to children the origin and related knowledge of the Party Founding Day, so that children can understand that July 1st is the Communist Party of China. On my birthday, I know that without the Communist Party, there would be no new China. The children further understood the glorious history of the Party through activities such as paying tribute with flowers to make the "Party emblem", singing red songs, bravely crossing "dangerous areas", listening to red stories, watching red movies, etc., and at the same time expressed their love for the party in their own way. Love, the red seeds are deeply rooted in the heart.

Never forget where we came from, and forge ahead on a new journey. This event promoted the most beautiful red energy, strengthened the ideal vane of the motherland’s flowers, and guided children to draw strength from revolutionary history, inspiring children’s patriotic feelings and letting the red gene be passed down from generation to generation!

#Our New Era#

Produced by Kenli District Rong Media Center

Rong Media Editor: Lu Yao